MTU Board of Trustees’ Policy Manual



Section 5: The Faculty and Administrative Matters


Section 5- The Faculty and Administrative Matters


– Section 5.1: The Faculty’s Role in the University’s Academic Mission

Adopted Date:October, 2019



This policy applies to faculty of the University.



The Board of Board of Trustees fully appreciates the strategic role the Faculty has in carrying out the University’s mission of teaching research and public service. The Board, therefore, reaffirms the right of review and action delegated to the Faculty in regard to:

(1) formulation of institutional aims;

(2) creation of new faculties, schools and departments and divisions;

(3) major curricular changes and other matters which in the opinion of the Rector of the

University or his delegate affect the institution as a whole;

(4) requirements for admission and graduation and for honours and scholastic performance in general;

(5) approval of candidates for degrees;

(6) policies of appointment, dismissal, and promotion in academic rank;

(7) research; and

(8) general faculty welfare. However, actions taken by the University Faculty shall be subject to the authority of the Board of Trustees in matters involving finance, personnel and general University Policy.

  • Formal approval by the Board is required, following review and action by the Faculty, and administration for: – formulation and revision of institutional aims; – creation of faculties, schools and branches; – creation or elimination of degree programs; – candidates for degrees; – policies for appointment, promotion in rank and dismissal of faculty members; – faculty welfare issues as these relate directly to fiscal and institutional issues. Nothing in this policy in any way restricts the plenary authority of the Board of Board of Trustees under Northern Cyprus law and this Policy Manual.



The Faculty Constitution adopted by the Faculty and approved by the Board contains the faculty responsibilities included in this policy. In implementing this policy, the Board may from time to time approve policies and procedures adopted by the faculty. The Faculty Constitution and policies and procedures adopted by the faculty and approved by the Board shall be printed in the Faculty Handbook and shall indicate the dates of approval by the Board.



Faculty Handbook, page A-9.

The following policies, approved previously by the Board of Trustees and the Faculty and printed in the Faculty Handbook, are not considered by the Board of Trustees to be governing-level policies appropriate for this manual. They do, however, continue in effect and may be changed or eliminated in the future by the Faculty Senate, with the approval of the Rector or Provost, without approval by the Board of Trustees.

Rights and Responsibilities at MTU, Section 6, (applicable to faculty only) A-5-6
Academic Load B 18
Dates of Campus Duty B 21
Employment and Advanced Degrees B 22
Contracts B 23-24
Minimum Teaching Requirements B 27-28
Visiting Scholars B 28-29
Emeritus Status C 1
Publications Opportunities D 4-6
Reprints of Scholarly Publications D 6-7
Research Support D 7-9

– Section 5.2: Academic Freedom and Tenure; Appointments and Promotions

Adopted Date: October, 2019


This section applies to all Faculty of the University.


The University’s Policy on Academic Freedom and Tenure on Appointments and Promotions, are set forth in full in the Faculty Handbook.


– Section 5.3: Employment of MTU Graduates

Adopted Date: October, 2019


This policy applies to regular members of the University faculty.


As a general policy, no persons who have received degrees from the Mesarya Technical University shall hereafter be employed as regular members of the faculty in positions which may lead to permanent tenure unless subsequent to their last degree received at the Mesarya Technical University, they have taken at least one academic year of advanced work at another reputable institution or have established themselves professionally elsewhere. Such work or professional experience must be in their teaching field.

At the discretion of the Provost/Executive ViceRector for Academic Affairs, or for Health Sciences faculty the Chancellor for Health Sciences, an exception may be made to this general policy.


Employment of MTU Graduates, ” Faculty Handbook C20.





– Section 5.4: Leaves of Absence

Adopted Date: October, 2019


This policy applies to faculty of the Mesarya Technical University.


The following types of leaves of absence for faculty members are authorized: sabbatical leave, leave without pay, leave for service abroad, military leave, and faculty absence from assigned duties, sick leave, maternity leave, professional leave, and leave of absence incident to political activity.


The full text of policies on leave of absence, adopted by the faculty and approved by the Board, is printed in the Faculty Handbook.




Faculty Handbook, pages C-3 to C-7.

Emeritus Status, RPM 6.3.


– Section 5.5: Outside Employment

Adopted Date: October, 2019


This policy applies to full-time faculty members of the University.


Full-time members of the University faculty are encouraged to engage in outside professional activities such as writing, consulting, lecturing, or activities of similar nature which will enhance their professional growth or reputation, subject to the following restrictions:

— Since the faculty member’s primary responsibility is to the University, all outside employment is considered secondary. The time spent in outside employment or in additional work done within the University for extra compensation, or in both of these together, may not exceed the equivalent of one work day per week during the contract period.

— Outside professional activities will not significantly conflict with classes, office hours, or other assigned duties and commitments.

— Except in cases specifically approved in writing by the Rector authorizing official University involvement, the faculty member in undertaking such employment shall act as an individual and not as an agent of the University and shall not use the name of the University or official University stationery in connection with such work.

— Great care should be taken to avoid a conflict of interest or appearance of a conflict of interest situation in carrying out any type of consultant or research activity.

— When exceptions to this policy are necessary in the interest of the University, they must have the advance written approval of the Associate Provost for Academic Affairs.

— Deans are to report to the Associate Provost for Academic Affairs at the end of each semester and summer session summaries of the number of days spent by each faculty member on outside employment.


The full policy, adopted by the faculty and approved by the Board of Trustees, is printed in the Faculty Handbook .

The Provost has interpreted the “one work day per week” language to mean 39 days for the contract period (9 months). The 39 days can be arranged in various ways (e.g., one day a week, all at one time); Saturdays and Sundays are counted toward the 39 days. Extra compensation paid through the University (see RPM Policy 5.6) and outside employment both count toward the 39 days.

For the Health Sciences Centre, the reporting by the dean (last item in policy above) is made to the Vice Rector for Health Sciences.


Faculty Handbook


– Section 5.6: Extra Compensation Paid by the University

Adopted Date: October, 2019


This policy applies to regular faculty members at the University.


Faculty members may occasionally receive extra compensation from the University for additional work done in connection with University-related activities provided that:

  1. Advance approval in writing is given by the appropriate department chairperson and dean;
  2. The work done for extra compensation does not in the opinion of the approving authority
    1. Conflict in time with regular University duties and assignments
    2. Constitute a “conflict of interest” situation for the faculty member; and
  3. The work for extra compensation or the outside employment, or both of these together, does not exceed the equivalent of one working day per week. (See Policy Concerning Outside Employment, RPM 5.5)





The full policy, including procedures for paying extra compensation, was adopted by the Faculty and approved by the Board. It is printed in full in the Faculty Handbook.

See “Implementation” section of RPM 5.5 for an interpretation of “one working day per week.”


Faculty Handbook page B-26.


– Section 5.7: Confidentiality of Faculty Records

Adopted Date: October, 2019


This policy applies to information about faculty members of the University.


Information concerning faculty of the Mesarya Technical University, other than that necessary for and kept by the Office of Equal Opportunity Programs, may be gathered, retained and used by academic or administrative units of the University subject to rules adopted by the Faculty and approved by the Board. Information concerning a faculty member shall be collected or retained by an academic or administrative unit of the University solely for the purposes of carrying out official University business and of determining the status or responsibilities of faculty members. Any person is entitled to public information maintained by the University concerning a faculty member.


The Board, following review and action by the faculty, approved the detailed policy (including rules), which is printed in its entirety in the Faculty Handbook.


Faculty Handbook pages E-1 and E-2.


– Section 5.8: Intellectual Property

Adopted Date: October, 2019


This policy applies to all faculty, staff and students who create intellectual property which can be protected by patent, copyright or other means. This policy applies to the ownership, protection and transfer of scholarly/artistic works and technological works created by University faculty, staff and students.


In the course of conducting University-administered activities such as research, investigation and education, the faculty, staff and students often create intellectual property which may be protectable by patent, copyright or other means. It is the policy of the University to encourage, support and reward scientific research and scholarship, and to recognize the rights and interests of creators, the University and the public. It is also the policy of the University to encourage the treatment of intellectual property in ways beneficial to the creators (in part by sharing royalties with creators), as well as to the University and to the public, by the University retaining ownership of intellectual property and pursuing commercialization thereof. These efforts can only be successful if the University and the creators assist each other in identifying, evaluating, protecting and exploiting such property. These efforts also contribute to the recognition that the creation of intellectual property is a significant academic achievement.

Accordingly, it is the policy of the University to recognize these achievements by providing advice of legal relationships with respect to intellectual property, encouraging the creators’ performance of key roles in the utilization of intellectual property and optimizing the benefits of potentially valuable intellectual property to the creators through commercialization efforts and sharing of royalties with the creators, as well as the University and the public.

The University’s commitment to teaching and research is primary. This policy does not diminish the right and obligation of faculty, staff and students to disseminate research results for scholarly purposes. The latter is considered by the University to take precedence over the commercialization of scholarly/artistic and technological works.


The Board approved the detailed “Intellectual Property Policy” adopted in 2 October, 2019, which is available on the Internet and from chairs and deans.


Detailed “Intellectual Property Policy”   adopted by Rector 2 October, 2019



– Section 5.9: Sponsored Research

Adopted Date: 3 October, 2019


This policy applies to all individuals at the University who engage in sponsored research.


It is the policy of the University to encourage faculty members to participate in research sponsored by outside agencies when such research is consistent with the basic aims of the University in regard to education of students, the extension of knowledge and the broadening of man’s horizon in the sciences, arts and humanities.


The Board, in adopting the Board of Trustees’ Policy Manual in 2019, approved detailed policies and procedures. The full text is printed in the Faculty Handbook.


Faculty Handbook pages D-9 and D-10.


– Section 5.10: Conflicts of Interest in Research

Adopted Date: October, 2019


This policy applies to all faculty, staff, students and visitors who conduct research at or on behalf of MTU.


The purpose of this policy is to protect the integrity, trust and respect of MTU, its academic community and its research activities. The policy is intended to enable compliance with applicable laws and other regulatory requirements and to protect research investigators who may be exposed to conflict of interest situations. It is designed to inform investigators of their disclosure responsibilities, provide an efficient method for making disclosures, and facilitate effective identification and management of conflicts of interest.

Members of the Mesarya Technical University community are engaged in many contractual, consulting and advisory relationships with other universities, government agencies and private sector entities. MTU encourages these relationships for their contributions to research, education, technological advancement and professional development. MTU members must be cautious, however, to prevent unresolved conflicts of interest in these relationships that might undermine the credibility of their work or damage their reputation. Additionally, full-time faculty members and researchers must be mindful of their obligation to devote their primary professional efforts and allegiance to MTU. Other activities should not interfere or significantly conflict with this responsibility.

Conflicts of interest may occur when an investigator’s research responsibilities compete with his or her private interests, such as financial interests, raising questions of objectivity and improper gain. Conflicts of interest are inevitable in modern research universities and do not imply any impropriety on the part of the investigator. A conflict of interest may exist despite the highest standards of conduct and candour. Most conflicts can be successfully resolved without impeding research activities. Disclosing the required information at the earliest possible time will afford the best protection of an investigator’s interests.


The Rector and the Faculty Senate are authorized to make minor technical and implementing modifications to the detailed Conflicts of Interest in Research Policy. The detailed Conflicts of Interest in Research Policy shall be published in the Faculty Handbook and posted on the web page of the Office of Research Services.



See MTU Conflict of Interest Waiver Policy for Technology Transfer, RPM 5.17.

– Section 5.11: Classified Research

Adopted Date:October, 2019


This policy applies to the conduct of research at MTU.


It is recognized that, in certain areas of research, the association of faculty members with off-campus facilities has provided access to expensive and sophisticated types of equipment not available at the University and has consequently contributed toward the training and development of students. However, in order to preserve as open a University society as possible, faculty members should attempt to obtain support for unclassified research.

In preservation of academic freedom, the right of every faculty member to solicit, conduct or participate in privately and governmentally sponsored research of his/her choice is recognized, whether such research is classified or not, so long as it is within the limits of existing Mesarya Technical University policies. Sponsored research at the Mesarya Technical University is justified only when it contributes toward the professional development of the faculty and also provides opportunities for the development of students. Classified research is no exception to the validity of these two criteria.


The Board, in adopting Board of Trustees’ Policy Manual in October,2019 , incorporated policies and procedures governing classified research, including restrictions on the use of classified data by students for course credit, theses or dissertations. The full text is printed in the Faculty Handbook



Faculty Handbook page D-1.


– Section 5.12: Overseas Research

Adopted Date: October, 2019


This policy applies to faculty members engaged in overseas research.


The University abides by the policy established by Education and World Affairs in connection with overseas research done by University Faculty members.


The Board, in adopting the Board of Trustees’ Policy Manual, incorporated the topic sentences of the EWA Guidelines which are printed in the Faculty Handbook. The full statement is on file in the Office of University Secretary.


Faculty Handbook page D-4.

– Section 5.13: Research Fraud

Adopted Date:October, 2019


This policy applies to anyone at the Mesarya Technical University involved in sponsored or unsponsored research.


Integrity, trust, and respect are important elements in an academic research environment. Investigators typically conduct research and explain findings and theories with painstaking diligence, precision, and responsibility. However, a growing number of cases involving research fraud threaten to both erode the public trust and cast doubt on the credibility of all researchers.

Because the Mesarya Technical University as well as the general public and government are affected by this issue, the University has decided to take steps to deal with research fraud if it arises and to ensure the credibility and objectivity of research activities. These steps are, in broad terms, to:

  1. Ensure that ethical standards for research at MTU are clearly understood and applied.
  2. Promptly inquire into allegations of fraud and, where appropriate, initiate formal investigations and advise sponsors of action taken.
  3. Ensure that each investigation is properly documented to support findings and carefully conducted to protect any person whose reputation may be placed at risk during the process.

The policy and procedures regarding research fraud are intended to protect the integrity of the University’s research enterprise and not hinder the search for truth or interfere with academic freedom.


Detailed procedures implementing this Policy adopted by the Board of Board of Trustees in the form of The MTU Research Fraud Policy on October, 2019, following approval by the Rector on 02 October, 2019. The 2019 MTU Research Fraud Policy will be published in the Faculty Handbook. Copies are available in the offices of the Associate Provost for Research, the Office of Research Services, and the Office of the University Secretary.


– Section 5.14: Human Beings as Subjects in Research

Adopted Date: October, 2019


This policy applies to all research related to the University whether conducted on or off campus, whether done by faculty or students, and whether or not supported by extramural funds.


Research involving human beings as subjects is authorized at the University, subject to specific limitations and procedures. A human subject is any individual who may be at risk as a consequence of participation as a subject in research, development, demonstration or other activities.

  1. In considering the participation of humans as subjects, the guiding principle is that no one should be exposed to risk to health or well-being without being given all reasonable protection and without being adequately informed.
  2. In general, the purpose of the study, the procedures to be followed, and the possible risks involved must be explained to the subject. The investigator must be satisfied that the explanation has been understood, and consent must be obtained without duress or deception. Such an explanation may be postponed or even omitted where there are no risks to the subject and a full account of the purposes and procedure in advance might bias the results.
  3. It is the responsibility of the individual investigator to have adequate knowledge of the possible consequences of his research, or of research done under his direction.
  4. Whenever possible, any hazards to health or well-being of each procedure must first be investigated with animals.
  5. Whenever medication or physical intervention is used, or whenever the subject is exposed to unusual environmental conditions, proper protection and supervision must be provided.
  6. The individual’s personal privacy and the confidentiality of information received from her/him must be protected.
  7. An individual’s time should not be invaded to the extent that the participation creates conflict with other obligations.
  8. Remuneration may be offered for the time involved in a study, provided the remuneration is not so large as to constitute an improper inducement to participate.
  9. Any individual may request termination of his/her participation at any time and this request will be honoured promptly and without prejudice.
  10. Unless there are reliable indications to the contrary, all Mesarya Technical University faculty members are presumed to behave responsibly, and all experimental subjects should be willing to contribute to the advancement of knowledge, provided their personal rights are respected.



The full text is printed in the Faculty Handbook

Research involving human beings as subjects is also subject to applicable International laws and regulations.


Faculty Handbook pages D-1 through D-4.


– Section 5.15: Use of Animals in Education and Research

Adopted Date: October, 2019


This policy applies to anyone at the University who uses animals in research or education programs.


The Mesarya Technical University has long recognized both a scientific and an ethical responsibility for the humane care and use of all animals utilized in our educational and research activities. It is also recognized that all University personnel who care for or use animals in educational or research activities must assume responsibility for the animal’s general welfare. The intent of these educational and research activities is to provide experience and data that will advance knowledge of immediate or potential benefit to humans and animals. The University faculty, students and administration shall continue to develop and use scientifically valid adjunct or alternative methods which can refine, reduce, or replace the use of animals. Some situations exist which still require the use of animals.

The Mesarya Technical University supports the continued and judicious use of animals in our educational and research programs, in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.


“Policy Concerning Use of Animals in Education and Research,”  Faculty Handbook E 100


– Section 5.16: Post-Tenure Review

Adopted Date: October, 2019



This policy applies to all tenured faculty members at the University.


Section 1. General Principles.

A tenured professor who performs well should be rewarded, and one who performs inadequately should seek or accept help and improve or be subject to dismissal. The purpose of the Mesarya Technical University’s post-tenure review is to determine levels of performance efficiently, equitably, and in conformity with tenure rights expressed in the  Policy on Academic Freedom and Tenure and guaranteed by the Contract Clause of the Northern Cyprus (TRNC) Constitution.

Section 2. Data Collection.

Biographical updates, student evaluations of teaching (supplemented by periodic but not necessarily annual peer evaluations of teaching), and evaluations for salary recommendations shall be required annually of all faculty, including tenured professors. Some departments and divisions may also wish to require information more detailed than in the current biographical update form. The biographical update shall include space for objectives for the coming year.

Section 3. Performance Criteria.

Deans shall require each department or division to file a statement of criteria and procedures for annual evaluation of the performance of tenured faculty members. The criteria and procedures shall be consistent with the Faculty Handbook; reflect the standards of excellence and appropriate balance of teaching, research or other creative activity, and service prevailing in the discipline and the department or division; and have the approval of the department or division faculty and the dean. At a minimum, the procedures shall include an annual written evaluation, as described below. The “Bases for Appointment and Promotion” and suggested “Sources of Information” in the Appointment and Promotion Policy describe good teaching and good research at some length, including the importance of one’s original research in imparting new ideas in the classroom and inspiring students to engage in original research. They also stress the need for service in the department, the University, and one’s discipline, particularly by senior members of the faculty. (Reviews from outside the University, suggested in the “Sources of Information,” shall not normally be included in annual and more formal post-tenure reviews described in Sec. 4 and 6 below.)


Section 4. Annual Reviews.

Each department shall conduct an annual review of each tenured faculty member’s teaching, research or creative work, and service. This review, which may be combined with salary review and may be performed by the chair or the chair and a committee of tenured faculty, shall be in writing (normally 50 to 100 words for most faculty, more for those with special achievements or identified deficiencies) and contain a description and critique of performance during the past year and performance goals for the coming year. It shall be discussed with the faculty member if there are deficiencies. Two copies of the annual review, signed by the chair, shall be given to the faculty member, one to be signed as acknowledgement of receipt and returned to the chair. A faculty member who disagrees with the review may add a comment or rebuttal. The review and any such statement shall be placed in the faculty member’s personnel file. The faculty member, in addition, may appeal the chair’s evaluation to the dean. At any point in these or subsequent proceedings, the faculty member shall have access to aggregate information concerning the teaching evaluations, publications, grants, etc., of the department as a whole for purposes of comparison.

Administrators who hold tenured faculty rank shall also be reviewed on the performance of their faculty duties (teaching, research, service). The manner in which the chair and other administrators are reviewed shall be decided by an agreement between the dean and tenured faculty in the unit, in a manner consistent with the intent of this document. Administrators who have no assigned faculty duties within the department will not be reviewed under this policy.

Section 5. Reports to Deans.

Each department shall annually provide the dean with summaries of the reviews of all faculty members (normally no more than 50 words for most faculties, more for those with special achievements or identified deficiencies) and the full text of any comment or rebuttal. The summaries shall include the special achievements or identified deficiencies of individual faculty members. Merit, as determined in annual salary reviews, shall be the primary criterion for raises. In the case of special achievement, the summary shall state the rewards to be provided. The dean or a college committee shall participate in the merit award for special achievement. In the case of deficiency, the summary shall suggest remedies, and the chair and the dean shall monitor improvements. If the dean disagrees with the chair’s evaluation, he or she shall so inform the chair and the faculty member.

Section 6. More Complete Reviews.

If in the judgment of the chair the annual review for any faculty member shows a serious deficiency that has continued for two consecutive years, the chair shall inform the faculty member. One of two possible courses of action shall follow:

1) The faculty member may request that the chair submit his or her findings to the other tenured faculty members for consideration in a more complete review during the following year. OR

2) If the faculty member does not request the review, the chair may initiate such a review with the concurrence of a majority of the tenured faculty in the department.

The more complete review shall be similar to the mid-probationary review described in the Handbook, with the aim of identifying strengths and weaknesses. This review shall be undertaken by the chair with a committee of at least three tenured faculty members chosen by the tenured faculty. If they find that the faculty member’s performance is not seriously deficient, the member shall be so informed and a statement of the decision placed in the file. If serious deficiency is found, a specific remedial program shall be developed in consultation with the faculty member, including procedures, criteria for evaluating progress, and a reasonable timetable. The results of the program shall be reported by the chair to the dean. If the dean concludes, after consulting the college promotion and tenure committee, that serious deficiencies persist, he or she shall so inform the Provost or the Vice Rector for Health Sciences.


Section 7. Enhancement Programs.

Whether or not a tenured faculty member accepts a recommendation to participate in a teaching or research enhancement program, and whether or not the member performs well in the program, he or she shall be judged, after a reasonable period of time, on subsequent classroom and research performance.

Section 8. Individual Request for Review.

Any faculty member who feels that two or more consecutive annual reviews have inaccurately conveyed his or her professional accomplishments or have contained other substantial deficiencies shall have the option of initiating the more complete review described above.

Section 9. Frequency of Review.

The more complete review shall not be initiated for any faculty member more frequently than once every five years.

Section 10. Review by the Committee on Academic Freedom and Tenure.

If a tenured faculty member’s professional deficiencies are considered by the Provost or the Vice Rector for Health Sciences to be very serious and to have been uncorrected at the conclusion of the agreed time period, and, further, if there is evidence that the faculty member’s performance has deteriorated since the award of tenure and that his or her academic performance is now typically unsatisfactory, the Rector of the University shall initiate the process specified in the Policy on Academic Freedom and Tenure for removing a faculty member for cause. [“If the faculty member’s academic competence is questioned, the proof before the Committee on Academic Freedom and Tenure shall be insufficient unless it includes testimony of teachers and other scholars, either from the University or from other institutions, and it shows that: (1) the faculty member’s academic performance has deteriorated since he received tenure; and (2) his academic performance is now typically unsatisfactory.” Sec. 12(b)(viii). “. . .[The University Administration has the burden of proving its case.” Sec. 13 (a).]

Section 11. Limitation on Applicability.

This policy does not apply to proposed terminations of tenured faculty for alleged misconduct or violation of University policy or law which is provided for in the existing Policy on Academic Freedom and Tenure .

– Section 5.17: Conflict of Interest Waiver Policy for Technology Transfer

Adopted Date: October, 2019


This policy applies to the Board of Trustees and to all employees (faculty and staff) of the University.


The Rector or a designee may grant permission for an officer or employee of the University to establish and maintain a substantial interest in a private entity which contracts with the University for the purpose of providing goods and/or services to the University, or receiving goods and/or services from the University, in order to facilitate the transfer of technology developed by the officer or employee from the University to commercial and industrial enterprises for economic development, based upon the following criteria:

— The proposed undertaking will benefit the economy of the State of Northern Cyprus.

— The proposed undertaking will not adversely affect research, public service or instructional activities at the University.

— The officer’s or employee’s interest in the private entity or benefit from the interest, will not adversely affect any substantial interest of the State of Northern Cyprus.

The Rector’s determination shall be made in consultation with the MTU Conflict of Interest Committee, as established pursuant to Board of Trustees’ Policy 5.10   (Conflicts of Interest in Research).


The Board approved a detailed policy on October, 2019. This policy is published on the Office of Research Services web page.


Conflicts of Interest in Sponsored Research, RPM 5.10; Employee and Regent Code of Conduct and Conflicts of Interest,

RPM 6.4 Applicability



– Section 5.18: Endowed Faculty Chairs

Adopted Date:October, 2019


This policy applies to the faculty of the Mesarya Technical University.


The quality of the faculty is one of the enduring hallmarks of a great institution. The Mesarya Technical University will have made great strides toward being a world-class institution when a large number of eminent scholars across many different areas of study are members of our faculty.

An endowed chair is an honour that can be bestowed on a scholar of distinction. This honour will allow an individual to conduct meaningful inquiry that will expand the frontiers of knowledge and instruct generations; as a result, the reputation of the University will be enhanced.

An endowed chair is a singular opportunity to recognize and sustain innovative intellectual work. The income derived from such an endowment can be used to provide salary support or to fund specific laboratory or other scholarly expenses.

The Role of the Mesarya Technical University Foundation

An endowed chair may be established by a gift or conferred pledge of $1.5 million. When the Mesarya Technical University Foundation (MTU Foundation) becomes aware of a donor’s wish to establish an endowed chair, the MTU Foundation will communicate the intent of the donor to the Rector of the University, the Provost and Executive ViceRector for Academic Affairs, and the Chancellor for Health Sciences. Upon approval by the Rector, the MTU Foundation will oversee the details of the gift pledge and will ensure that a fundamental agreement is drafted containing terms consistent with the intentions of the donor. A resolution proposal by the MTU Foundation will be forwarded to the Board of Board of Trustees’ Academic, Student Affairs, and Research Committee. Appropriate University offices will receive copies of fundamental agreements and resolutions. The Board of Board of Trustees’ Academic, Student Affairs, and Research Committee will, if approved, forward the resolution to the Board of Board of Trustees for action.

The Role of the Board of Trustees of the Mesarya Technical University

The Board of Board of Trustees, as the governing body of the University, will act to approve both the establishment of a chair and its holder. In both cases their action will be preceded by review and approval by the Board of Board of Trustees’ Academic, Student Affairs, and Research Committee.

Once the candidate to hold the chair has been approved by the Board of Board of Trustees, the University will take steps to invest in that individual and the chair. This ceremonial occasion would bring together the donors responsible for creating the chair, other donors and friends of the University, friends and family of the chair holder, friends and board members of the University and, if appropriate, invited guests who share scholarly interests with the chair holder to celebrate with members of the academic community. Venues for such an event may vary; possible examples include the Student Union Building, or on some occasion the outdoors. The MTU Foundation will be responsible for planning and executing the event.

Role of the Provost and Executive Vice Rector for Academic Affairs and the Chancellor for Health Sciences

The Provost and Executive ViceRector for Academic Affairs or the Chancellor for Health Sciences, depending on the academic role of the chair holder, should ensure that chair holders provide a report of their activity during the course of an academic year. This ensures the academic integrity of the chair and also provides the donor with information on the positive outcomes of his or her gift.


RPM 2.11 (“Naming University Facilities, Spaces, Endowments, and Programs”);

RPM 7.13 (“Receipt and Investment of Gifts to the University”); and

Faculty Handbook Policy C 170   (“Endowed Chairs and Named Professorships”).