Health Care Institution Management Program (BA)

About Department :

Mesarya Technical University is a remarkable institution and we welcome staff and
students from diverse backgrounds and all parts of the world.

Healthcare management is exactly what the name implies. It’s the overall management of a healthcare facility, such as a clinic or hospital. A healthcare manager is in charge of ensuring a healthcare facility is running as it should in terms of budget, the goals of the facility’s practitioners and the needs of the community. A person in charge of healthcare management oversees the day-to-day operations of the facility.



Mission of the Department

The mission of Department is to educate students for the practice of their profession, for the advancement of knowledge and technology as well as for finding solutions to the national, international.

The mission of the Department is to create and maintain programs of excellence in the areas of research, education and public outreach. With a high standard for excellence in all three areas the department will produce students who are knowledgeable in this area and can think critically.


The vision of the Department  is to be a recognized and distinguished unit in the field. To provide excellent teaching and training for the  graduate students.


Program Profile

Qualification Awarded Health Care Institutions Management
Level Of Qualification Bachelor
Offered by Department of Health Care Institutions Management
Mode of Study Full Time

The language of instruction English.


The program introduces and familiarizes students with a broad range of Health Care Institutions Management disciplines. In addition, the program is designed to offer students the fundamental Health Intuitions Management theories together with practise and develop in them the skills essential for competitiveness in the 21st century. The courses offered through the program constitute a balance between the academic and practical directions. Upon graduations students are prepared for the industry and/or for further studies.


Key Learning Outcomes

Occupational Profiles of the Graduates

Health Care Institutions MANAGEMENT (BA)


  • Student Book
  • Lab Report Format
  • Summer Practice Report Format
  • Lab Manual
  • Summer Practice Procedure
  • Summer Practice Form