MTU Board of Trustees’ Policy Manual





    Section 1 – The Board of Trustees


    Board of Trustees’ Policy Manual

    Section 1.1: Responsibilities of the Board of Trustees

    Adopted Date: October,2019

    Ultimate Responsibility for the Governance of the University

    The Board of Trustees is responsible for the governance of the Mesarya Technical University. This responsibility may be exercised only by the Board as a unit; individual Board of Trustees are without power to act separately in the transaction of University business, except when one of the Board’s officers is specifically authorized to act on behalf of the Board.

    The Board’s power to govern the University includes fiduciary responsibility for the assets and programs of the University, establishment of goals and policies to guide the University, and oversight of the functioning of the University.

    The Board vests responsibility for the operation and management of the University to the Rector of the University.

    Duties and Functions of the Board

    The Board shall carry out the duties and functions authorized by law and specified in this policy manual including, but not limited to the following:

    1. Appoint a Rector of the University who serves as Chief Executive Officer; and delegate authority to the Rector for effective operation of the University.
    2. Adopt Board of Trustees’ policies for the governance of the University, and periodically review the Board of Trustees’ Policy Manual for compliance and revision, in addition to revisions submitted, as necessary, at any time.
    3. Establish, and periodically review, the mission, goals, objectives of the University, and a long-range campus master plan for the physical development of the University; create faculties, schools, and branches.
    4. Approve the constitution or other governing document of faculty, staff, and student governing bodies and component or affiliated organizations, as determined to be appropriate by the Rector and the Board.
    5. Approve all degrees awarded by the University.
    6. Enter into, and review biennially, operating agreements with the Board of Advisors of each branch University.
    7. Approve the organizational structure for the University, and any major revisions proposed by the Rector.
    8. Take any other actions required by law to be decided at the level of the Board.

    The Board reserves the right to consider and determine any matter relating to the University.

    – Section 1.2: Structure of the Board of Trustees

    Adopted Date: October, 2019

    Appointment of Members

    The Board of Trustees is composed of fourteen members who are appointed by United Community Education Company Ltd. of Northern Cyprus, for staggered terms of six years except for the student representative who is appointed for a two-year term. The Presidents of the Faculty Senate, Staff Council, Associated Students of MTU, Graduate and Professional Student Association, Alumni Association, MTU Retiree Association, MTU Parent Association, and the Chair of the MTU Foundation are non-voting advisors.

    Removal of Members

    Members of the Board of Trustees shall not be removed except for incompetence, neglect of duty, or malfeasance in office. A member may not be removed without notice of hearing and an opportunity to be heard.


    The Board of Trustees is required to meet in Northern Cyprus on the second Monday in March of each year to elect a Rector and secretary-treasurer, at which time, though not required by statute, the Board also elects a vice Rector. The Rector presides at all meetings of the Board and signs all instruments required to be executed by the Board. When the Rector is absent, the Board of Trustees hereby appoints the Vice-Rector to serve as Rector pro tem.



    Members of the Board are not remunerated for their services until the MTU starts accepting enrolment. They are, however, eligible for travel reimbursement, pursuant to the University’s travel reimbursement policies.

    Conflict of Interest

    Members of the Board are subject to the “Board of Trustees Code of Conduct and Conflicts of Interest Policy.”  See BPM 1.8)


    Orientation of New Members

    When a new member is appointed to the Board, the member may choose to receive hard copies of the Faculty Handbook and the Board of Trustees’ Policy Manual, or elect to access the manuals online at and at, respectively.  New members also will receive a compilation of current Northern Cyprus statutes pertaining to the Board of Trustees. The Rector will arrange briefing sessions for newly appointed Board of Trustees.


    Standing Committees

    In order to facilitate the work of the Board of Trustees, the Rector appoints members to standing committees each year and appoints chairs and vice-chairs of each committee. The Rector may appoint him or herself as a member of any standing committee. The Rector of shall consult with the Board of Trustees concerning such appointments to committees.

    Consistent with the requirements of the University Research Park and Economic Development Act (“URPEDA”), the Rector of the Board of Trustees nominates members to serve on the various boards of directors of URPEDA corporations in which the University is a member following the approved bylaws of each URPEDA corporation and nominees will be appointed to each such Board upon the vote of a majority of the Board of Trustees.

    The standing committees of the Board of Trustees are Audit and Compliance; Finance and Facilities; Academic, Student Affairs and Research; and the Health Sciences Centre (HSC). The Rector may name other standing committees with the consent of the Board of Trustees.

    Each standing committee shall consist of three Board of Trustees members.  One Board of Trustees must be a member of both the Finance and Facilities Committee and the HSC Committee.  A quorum of a Board of Trustees’ committee consists of a majority of the appointed members of that committee. The Rector may designate him or herself or another Board of Trustee member as alternate members of a standing committee or board who may serve as voting members whenever any of Board members are not present.

    Each standing committee shall have a designated vice-chair responsible for assisting the chair of the committee. The chair of each committee shall be responsible for preparing the agenda for the committee meetings, in consultation with the University Rector and the Chairman of the Board of Trustees. The University Rector may submit agenda items for the committee to the Chairman of the Board of Trustees and the chair of the committee. All action items for the Board of Trustees are typically first reviewed by a standing committee.

    The duties and responsibilities of the HSC Committee are set forth in RPM 3.5.  The duties and responsibilities of the Audit and Compliance Committee are set forth in RPM 7.3.   The other standing committees’ duties and functions are determined by the Board of Trustees, and shall include at least gathering information, conferring with members of the administration, faculty, staff, student body, and public on the topics within the committee’s duties, and making recommendations for action by the Board of Trustees.  The chairs of the standing committees (or vice-chairs in the absence of the chairs) shall report the committee recommendations to the Board of Trustees at its meetings. Standing committees do not constitute a quorum of the Board of Trustees and have no authority to act for the Board of Trustees.


    All standing committees will abide by the Northern Cyprus (TRNC) cap.113 laws, except that in addition to the exclusions listed in the cap.113 law, the standing committees may close meetings, when less than a quorum of the Board of Trustees is present, in the following instances:


    (1) to meet with internal or external auditors to discuss any examination or audit prior to the release of an audit report; and/or

    (2) to meet with attorneys from the Office of University Counsel and/or hired outside counsel to discuss any matter that is protected by the attorney-client privilege.

    Consent Agenda Matters Certain matters, or categories of matters, may be referred by the Board of Trustees for discussion and recommendation by a standing committee and thereafter placed on the Board of Trustees’ consent agenda for approval by the Board of Trustees without further discussion. All matters or categories of matters, within the subject matters regularly assigned to a standing committee shall be deemed to have been referred by the Board to that standing committee. Any member of the Board of Trustees shall have the right, upon request, to remove any item from the Board’s consent agenda and place the item on the Board’s regular agenda for discussion.


    Operations Committee

    In addition to the standing committees, there shall be an Operations Committee which shall consist of the Rector as chair, together with two other Board members appointed by the Chairman of the Board. The Operations Committee will meet informally, including by telephone conference, to discuss the agenda for upcoming Board of Trustees meetings and other items of business likely to come before the Board of Trustees. The meetings of the Operations Committee will not be subject to requirements of the Northern Cyprus (TRNC) cap.113 law.

    Ad Hoc Committees

    From time to time the Chairman of Board may appoint ad hoc committees consisting of two or three Board members to gather information and make recommendations to the Board of Trustees about specified matters. Public notice of such meetings will be given and public attendance and participation permitted as deemed appropriate by the committee chair.

    Quorum for Meetings of the Board

    Seven of the fourteen members of the Board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.


    Agenda for Meetings

    Items are typically considered by the appropriate Board of Trustees’ committee before going to the full Board of Trustees.  The University Rector is responsible for preparation of the written agenda for Board of Trustees meetings; the Rector consults with the Rector of the Board of Trustees about each agenda. Copies of the agenda are distributed to the Board of Trustees, the University Rector, and posted on the University’s website.

    Additions to the agenda may not be made less than 72 hours prior to the meeting, except in the case of an emergency as defined in the Northern Cyprus (TRNC) cap.113 law. The Board of Trustees will consider such emergency changes to the agenda at the beginning of each meeting, but once the Board of Trustees formally approves the agenda, it will be followed.

    Persons or groups wishing to place an item on the agenda of the Board of Trustees, whether for possible Board of Trustees action or for purposes of addressing the Board of Trustees about an item, must submit a letter to that effect to the Rector of the Board of Trustees via the University Rector not less than four working days prior to the scheduled meeting.  Final decisions to place items on the agenda or to refer items to committee will be rendered by the Chairman of the Board of Trustees after consultation with the University Rector.

    Conduct of Meetings

    Parliamentary procedure shall be governed by the most current revision of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) cap.113 law or other applicable Board of Trustees’ policies will govern if there is a conflict with Northern Cyprus (TRNC) cap.113 law.


    – Section 1.3: Notice of Board of Trustees’ Meetings

    Adopted Date: 09-12-2019

    1. Policy 

    This policy is adopted pursuant to the Northern Cyprus (TRNC) cap.113 law

    1. Regular Meetings

    Regular meetings of the Board of Trustees will be held on the second Monday in March and at regular pre-announced intervals, which are generally monthly, unless otherwise announced in the Notice of Regular Meetings pursuant to this policy.

    Notice of Regular Meetings

    Notice to the members of the regular meetings of the Board of Trustees will specify the date, time, and place thereof and will state that a copy of the agenda will be made available on the members Board of website, at least seventy-two (72) hours prior to the meeting. Notice will be given to those newspapers and broadcast stations that have filed a written request with the University Communication and Marketing Department for such notices of meetings. Notice will be by email at least ten (10) days prior to the meeting and the written Notice will be placed on the public Board of website.

    1. Special Meetings

    Special meetings of the Board of Trustees may be called by the Board Chairman or any eight (8) members of the Board.

    Notice of Special Meetings

    Notice to the members of special meetings of the Board of Trustees will specify the date, time, and place thereof and will state that a copy of the agenda will be made available on the members Board of website, at least seventy-two (72) hours prior to the meeting. Notice will be given to those newspapers and broadcast stations that have filed a written request with the University Communication and Marketing Department for such notices of meetings. Notice will be by email at least seventy-two (72) hours prior to the meeting and the written notice will be placed on the public Board of website.


    1. Emergency Meetings

    Emergency meetings of the Board of Trustees may be called by the Board Chairman, or any eight (8) members of the Board only in the event of unforeseen circumstances that, if not addressed immediately by the Board, will likely result in injury or damage to persons or property or substantial financial loss to the University. The Board will avoid emergency meetings whenever possible.

    Notice of Emergency Meetings 

    Notice to the members of emergency meetings of the Board of Trustees will specify the date, time, place, and subject matter thereof and will be given to those newspapers and broadcast stations that have filed a written request with the University Communication and Marketing Department for such notices of meetings. Notice will be by email, at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to the meeting or by such other notice as soon as possible and as may be practicable under the circumstances.

    1. Compliance with the Northern Cyprus with Disabilities Law

    In addition to the information specified above, all notices shall include the following language:

    If you are an individual with a disability who is in need of a reader, amplifier, qualified sign language interpreter, or any other form of auxiliary aid or service to attend or participate in a meeting of the Board of Trustees, please contact the University Communication and Marketing Department with as much advance notice as possible to allow for arranged services. Public documents, including the agenda and minutes, can be provided in various accessible formats. Please contact the University Communication and Marketing Department if an accessible format is needed.

    1. Remote Participation in Meetings 

    A member of the Board of Trustees may participate in a regular, special, or emergency meeting of the Board by means of a conference telephone or other similar communications equipment when it is otherwise difficult or impossible for the member to attend the meeting in person. Each member participating remotely must be identified when speaking, all participants must be able to hear each other at the same time, and the minutes of any meeting at which there is remote participation shall identify any Board of Trustees who were not physically present but who participated remotely.


    1. Closed Meetings

    Meetings of the Board of Trustees shall be closed to public at always in order to preserve the confidentiality of certain information.

    Closing an Open Meeting 

    Closing of a meeting shall be by a majority vote of a quorum of the Board during the meeting, with the vote of each member being recorded.

    The motion shall state:

    (1) the authority for the closure (the statutory provision); and

    (2) the subject to be discussed with reasonable specificity. The matter to be discussed must have been included on the agenda, except for emergency matters.

    The minutes of the next meeting shall contain information about the meeting, including the date, time, place, and subject matter of the meeting, the names of the Board of Trustees present at the meeting, the names of the absent Board of Trustees, and a statement that the matters discussed in the meeting were limited only to those specified in the notice of the meeting.


    Any final action taken as a result of discussions in a meeting shall be made by a vote of the Board of Trustees at the meeting.

    1. Agendas

    A copy of the agenda for each regular and special meeting of the Board of Trustees will be available at least seventy-two (72) hours prior to the meeting (and the notice of the meeting shall so state) and will be placed on the Board of website. Except for emergency matters, the Board shall take action only on items appearing on the agenda.


    1. UCEC Input at Meetings 

    An opportunity for United Community Education Company Ltd. (UCEC) input regarding agenda items shall be provided at each regular meeting during Board consideration of the agenda item in question. The Board Chairman shall determine the length of time to be allowed for United Community Education Company Ltd. (UCEC)input for each agenda item, the sequence in which individuals may address the Board, and the length of time that will be allowed for each person to address the Board. The Board Chairman may request that a group designate a spokesperson.


    1. Minutes

    The Board of Trustees shall approve and keep written minutes of all its meetings.

    The minutes shall include, at a minimum:

    (1) the date, time, and place of the meeting;

    (2) the names of Board of Trustees in attendance and those absent;

    (3) a statement of what proposals were considered; and (4) a record of any decisions made by the Board and how each Member voted.

    Draft minutes shall be prepared within ten (10) working days after the meeting and must be available for United Community Education Company Ltd. (UCEC inspection. The draft minutes must clearly indicate that they are not the official minutes and are subject to approval by the Board.

    Draft minutes shall be approved, amended, or disapproved at the next regular meeting where a quorum is present. Minutes shall not become official until approved by the Board of Trustees. Official minutes are subject to United Community Education Company Ltd. (UCEC) inspection.

    Recordings of Board of Trustees’ meetings shall be kept for, at minimum, three (3) years.


    – Section 1.4: Appointment of the Rector of the University

    Adopted Date: October, 2019


    This policy applies to the selection and appointment of the Rector of the University.


    The term “candidate” includes both applicants and nominees for the position of Rector of the University.


    The Board of Trustees is responsible for selecting and appointing a Rector of the University. The Board considers this to be one of its most important responsibilities.


    Whenever the position of Rector becomes vacant, the Board of Trustees shall conduct a search for qualified candidates for the Rectorship. The Board shall be guided by equal employment opportunity and affirmative action principles and procedures.

    The Board may appoint an advisory search committee to aid in identifying qualified candidates for the Rectorship. Such a committee should be representative of the various segments of the University community and may include Board of Trustees and one or more members from United Community Education Company Ltd. (UCEC) at large. The Board will carefully consider the committee’s recommendations before taking final action but cannot be bound by those recommendations, because the Board has sole legal responsibility for appointing a Rector of the University.


    All Board of Trustees, search committee members, or employees involved in the Rectorsearch process at the University shall keep confidential the identity of candidates for Rector and the details of the deliberations of those responsible for screening candidates, except as provided in this policy. Under all circumstances, letters of reference, the deliberations of the search committee, and other similar evaluative materials shall be kept confidential with respect to all candidates. Preliminary interviews of candidates by the search committee or any member or subcommittee of the search committee prior to the United Community Education Company Ltd. (UCEC) identification of finalists shall also be confidential.


    At least twenty-one days before the date of a meeting of the Board of Trustees, at which final action is taken on selection of the Rector, the Board shall give United Community Education Company Ltd. (UCEC) notice of names of the finalists being considered for the position. The Board shall consider in the final selection process at least five finalists. The required notice may be provided through various methods which must include publication in a newspaper of world-wide circulation and in a newspaper of county-wide circulation in Northern Cyprus. The required publication shall be made at least twenty-one days and not more than thirty days before the described meeting. Copies of the resumes or curriculum vitae of the finalists shall be made available at the same time UCEC notice is given of their names.


    The Board may appoint an interim Rector pending completion of a search for a permanent Rector.

    The Rector serves at the discretion of the Board, subject to the terms of the Rector’s contract.


    – Section 1.5: Appeals to the Board of Trustees

    Adopted Date: October, 2019


    This policy applies to appeals of administration, faculty, student government, or hearing board decisions to the Board of Trustees.


    Faculty, staff, or students affected by a decision of the administration, faculty, student government, or hearing board may appeal the decision to the Board of Trustees. The Board has discretion to determine whether the appeal will be considered, except for those appeals from decisions of the Academic Freedom and Tenure Committee which the Board is required to hear. The Board may refer appeals to a committee of the Board for recommendation as to whether the appeal should be heard.


    A person wishing to appeal a decision to the Board must submit a written petition to the Board through the Rector of the University. The petition must be filed within thirty (30) days from the date the decision being appealed was rendered, unless expressly provided by University policy to the contrary. The petition must describe the decision being appealed and the basis for the appeal.

    In considering whether to take a discretionary appeal and in considering the appeal itself, the Board (or a committee if one is appointed to consider whether an appeal should be heard) may request written briefs, oral arguments, or both.

    The Board shall render its final decision within 90 days from the date the appeal was filed unless a delay is requested by one of the parties and approved by the Chairman of the Board. If no decision is rendered within the deadline, the appeal shall be deemed denied.

    – Section 1.6: Special Recognition and Awards

    Adopted Date: October, 2019


    This policy applies to awards of honorary degrees and other types of special recognition given on behalf of the University at the discretion of the Board of Trustees. This policy does not preclude other kinds of awards and recognition by other units or officials of the University.


    It is the practice of the Board of Trustees of the University to recognize from time to time the contributions of special people to the University, to the state of Northern Cyprus, or to the national or international community. The Board has established the following awards for this purpose.

    1. Honorary Degrees.The Mesarya Technical University wishes to recognize and thereby encourage individuals by awarding special honours to those persons who have contributed significantly to the cultural or scientific development of the Northern Cyprus, or to the spiritual or material welfare of its people. At the same time, due regard should be paid to eminent individuals and scholars whose contributions are of general significance and transcend geographic limitations. In no case should a passing courtesy to the Mesarya Technical University, such as the delivery of a commencement address, be the sole or principal cause for such honorary awards. The award of an honorary degree to a person seeking or holding a political office does not indicate endorsement by the Mesarya Technical University. Political involvement should not prevent selection of an individual for an honorary degree.

    It is not the University’s policy to award honorary degrees to active members of the faculty, staff, or administration. This does not preclude, in an exceptional case, the awarding of an honorary degree to an emeritus member of the faculty or to a former employee whose stature remains or becomes eminent in the years following active service with the University. In such exceptions, sufficient time shall have elapsed to insure objectivity in the process of selection.

    Honorary degrees will be awarded only upon the approval of the Board of Trustees, based on recommendations from the Honorary Degree Committee, whose membership is set out in the Faculty Handbook.


    1. Board of Trustees’ Meritorious Service Medal.The Board of Trustees’ Meritorious Service Medal will be awarded to a member or members of the faculty and staff of the Mesarya Technical University in recognition of extraordinary and distinguished service to the University.

    The criteria for the faculty award will be outstanding teaching, service to students, research, scholarship, publications, performance in faculty and University governance, or other such contributions which have enhanced the institution.


    The criteria for the staff award will be outstanding performance of duties and meritorious service which have enhanced the University.


    Nominations for these awards may be submitted to the Rector by students, faculty, and staff. The final decision will be made by the Board of Trustees.


    1. Board of Trustees’ Recognition Medal.The Board of Trustees’ Recognition Medal will be awarded by the Board of Trustees of the Mesarya Technical University to a person or persons, other than faculty or staff, who have performed outstanding service to the institution.

    The criteria for the award will be extraordinary and unselfish assistance to the University over an extended period of time. However, a single service might be recognized if, in the judgment of the Board of Trustees, circumstances warrant. Selection will be made by the Board of Trustees.


    1. The University Medal.The University Medal will be awarded by the Board of Trustees of the Mesarya Technical University to a person of national or international accomplishment deserving of high honour.

    In keeping with the universal nature of the knowledge and public service which are embodied in the very essence of the University, the University Medal will be used to express the appreciation of the University for the Accomplishments and contributions of the individual, which may be in any field of knowledge or public service of national or international character. No limits of residence or national origin are to be placed on this award.


    Since the desirability of honouring such persons should be both obvious and compelling, the Board of Trustees will not grant this award on a systematic basis, nor did institute fix time periods for making the award. The medal will be awarded only in the event that the attainments of a qualified individual are such that the administration and Board of Trustees are persuaded that this rare and special recognition is clearly deserved.



    Awards will be gold and/or sterling silver alloy medal, or other appropriate device, bearing the seal of the Mesarya Technical University and other appropriate designs and will be accompanied by a certificate upon which the nature of the service will be cited.


    – Section 1.7: Advisors to the Board of Trustees

    Adopted Date: October, 2019


    This policy applies to advisors to the Board of Trustees.


    The Board of Trustees is committed to open communication with various constituencies on campus and values their advice on matters of policy and other actions affecting the University. The position of Advisor to the Board of Trustees is one method of assuring appropriate and adequate communication. Advisors are not intended to substitute for other forms of communication and access to the Board of Trustees, but rather to facilitate and focus the expression of points of view to the Board of Trustees.

    Advisors to the Board of Trustees shall include the following:

    • President of the Faculty Senate
    • President of the Associate Students of the Mesarya Technical University (ASMTU)
    • President of the Graduate and Professional Students Association (GPSA)
    • President of Staff Council
    • President of the MTU Alumni Association
    • President of the MTU Retiree Association
    • President of the MTU Parent Association
    • Chair of the MTU Foundation


    These bodies represent the major campus constituencies.

    The advisors shall serve in an advisory, nonvoting capacity for the term of office to which each was elected. No provision will be made for a substitute to serve in the absence of an advisor.


    – Section 1.8: Regent Code of Conduct and Conflicts of Interest Policy

    Adopted Date: October, 2019



    This policy applies to members of the University Board of Trustees.


    1. Members of the Board of Trustees (“Board of Trustees”) are expected to perform their duties faithfully and efficiently and never to give rise to suspicion of improper conflict with interests of the University. Board of Trustees shall not accept favours or gratuities of significant economic value from any firm, person, or corporation that is engaged in, or attempting to engage in, business transactions with the University. They must avoid any conflict of interest that may affect their independent judgment in the impartial performance of their duties. They may not use their positions to enhance their direct or indirect financial interest or use confidential information learned as a Member for anyone’s private gain. Board of Trustees shall comply with state conflict of interest laws as well as University policies.


    1. No Member shall maintain a financial interest in a firm or corporation with which the University is engaged in business. In addition, a Member shall not participate directly or indirectly in any decisions relating to any transaction between the University and a business entity of which the Member or any member of the Member’s immediate family is a director or trustee.



    1. For the purposes of this policy, “financial interest” includes any direct or indirect financial interest. This includes any transaction between the University and the Member or a member of the Member’s immediate family. An immediate family member is a family member who shares a home with a Member; or is a person who receives financial support of more than twenty-five per cent (25%) of his or her annual income from a Member; or is a person who is claimed as a dependent for Northern Cyprus income tax purposes by a Member. “Financial interest” also includes any transaction between the University and a business entity (corporation, sole proprietorship, partnership, LLC, or similar entity) including parents or subsidiaries of the business entity, in which the Member or a member of the Member immediate family:
      1. has an ownership interest (other than as owner of less than one per cent (1%) of the stock of a publicly traded corporation); or
      2. is a partner or officer of such business entity or an employee of such business entity whose compensation is related to business transacted with the University.


    1. A member of the Board of Trustees will have 120 days from the date the Board of Trustees approves the “Board of Trustees Code of Conduct and Conflicts of Interest Policy” (“Code”) to fully comply with the Code. Each Member will annually certify compliance with the Code on a form approved by the Board of Trustees. Each annual certification shall be filed by the Board of Trustees with the University Counsel who shall furnish a copy to the Executive ViceRector for Administration. If a Member fails to file an annual certification or fails to comply with the Code, the Board of Trustees shall give written notice to the Director of United Community Education Company Ltd.(UCEC) of Northern Cyprus. The Board of Trustees shall not make any such notice public. Violation of the Code by a Member will be grounds for removal of that Member pursuant to the decision of United Community Education Company Ltd. (UCEC).


    1. Members of the Board of Trustees are required by Northern Cyprus (TRNC) laws, to file a report with the Northern Cyprus Ministry of Finance concerning the Member’s financial interests. A copy of such report shall also be filed by the Member with the University Counsel who shall furnish a copy to the Executive ViceRector for Administration and distributed to each member of the Board of Trustees. The report filed with the Vice Rector shall be supplemented to the extent necessary to set forth the Member’s financial interests as defined in Section 3 of this policy.