Course Code: VET401
Course Title : Milk and Meat Hygiene
Weekly Teaching Hours: (2,1)
Course Description : In this course, the basic knowledge of wholesome cow, sheep and goat milk compositions, microbial and chemical contamination of milk, hygiene of milking, technology and hygiene milk and dairy production, related international regulations( Codex), composition, organoleptic properties and quality of meat, technological hygiene of cattle, sheep, goat and poultry slaughter, veterinary ante and post mortem inspection, carcass inspections for zoonotic infectious and parasitic diseases, production technology and main types and element of official control system, approval procedure of establishments of food of animal origin control procedures during the marketing are provided.
Recommended Textbook(s) and Supplementary Books:
Gracey’s Meat Hygiene by Collins( Editor) and Huey ( Editor). 11 th. Ed.2014
Textbook of Milk hygiene by Emst. 2012
Course Assessment:
Class Participation 10%,
Mid-term Examination 30%,
Assignments 10%,
Final Examination 50%,
Attendance 95% compulsory.