Course Code : TURZ 328
Course Name : Tourism Marketing
Weekly lecture and application hours: 3 -1
Short course description: The aim of this course is to provide students with knowledge about marketing techniques and application of these techniques in hotel management sector.
Textbooks and supplementary books:
- Modern Marketing, Altunışık, R., Özdemir, Ş., Torlak Ö. (2002). İstanbul, Exchange publications.
- Marketing Principles, Mucuk, İ (1997), Istanbul, Turkmen Bookstore.
- Marketing: an introduction, Kotler Philip, P. Kotler and G. Armstrong (1993), New Jersey, Printice Hall,
- Customer Relationship Management in Sales and Marketing, Odabaşı, Y., (2005). 5th Edition, Istanbul, Sistem Publishing
- CRM Journey, Gel, Oğuz C., (2004). 3rd Edition, Istanbul, Sistem Publishing
- Tourism Marketing, Kozak, N. (2006) Detay Publishing, Ankara
- Marketing Principles and Practices in Tourism Enterprises, İçöz, O. (2001) Extended Edition, Turhan Publishing House, Ankara
- Tourism Marketing, Hacıoğlu, N. (2005) 5th Edition, Nobel Publishing, Ankara
Course evaluation:
Participation / Attendance : 10%, Mid-Term Exam : 30%, Homework : 10%, Final Exam : 50%,
Attendance is at least 95 % mandatory.