Course Code : TURZ 321
Course Name : Human Resources Management
Weekly lecture and application hours: 3 -1
Short course description: This course includes information about the importance of education, development and planning in the tourism industry and how cultural differences are reflected in them. In addition, human behaviour, motivation strategies, stress management, worker wages and producers are also covered in this course.
Textbooks and supplementary books:
- Human Resources Management & Case Studies in Hotel Enterprises, Kozak, Meryem Akoğlan (2004). Detay Publishing, Ankara
- Human Resources Management in Hospitality Industry: Principles and Practices, Demir, Cengiz (2005). Nobel Publishing, Ankara
Course evaluation:
Participation / Attendance : 10%, Mid-Term Exam : 30%, Homework : 10%, Final Exam : 50%,
Attendance is at least 95 % mandatory.