Course Code : TURZ 317
Course Name : Tourism and Environment
Weekly lecture and application hours: 3 -1
Short course description: This course is based on the study of the development of touristic regions in the major tourism documents of the world. It gives information explaining the interactions of tourism activities in different regions. In addition to environmental phenomena, students see various methods and practices on what can be done to prevent environmental damage.
Textbooks and supplementary books:
1- Tourism and Environment, Kahraman, N., Türkay, O. (2006). 2nd Edition, Ankara, Detay Publishing
2- Tourism Environment Society, Tuna, Muammer (2004) Ankara Detay Publishing
Course evaluation:
Participation / Attendance : 10%, Mid-Term Exam : 30%, Homework : 10%, Final Exam : 50%,
Attendance is at least 95 % mandatory.