Course Code : TURZ 261
Course Name : Computerized Booking System – Fidelio
Weekly lecture and application hours: 3 -1
Short course description: FIDELIO front desk and food and beverage programs are organized to train professional staff by working in environments that require fast communication. Lessons are taught in the form of listening, working and practicing using a computer and aim to teach the FIDELIO program.
Textbooks and supplementary books:
1- Computer Systems in Hospitality Industry, Türksoy, A. (1998), Turhan Kitabevi, Ankara. 2- Computer Systems in Hotel and Kitchen Industry, Braham, B. (1995) Cassel Educational Ltd., MEB publications: 2923, Ankara.
Course evaluation:
Participation / Attendance : 10%,
Mid-Term Exam : 30%,
Homework : 10%,
Final Exam : 50%,
Attendance is at least 95%mandatory.