Course Code : PDR 156 

Course Name: Communication in Interpersonal Relations

Weekly lecture and application hours of the course: 3-0

Course description: Explains the relationship of interpersonal communication with different disciplines. Define interpersonal communication. Recognize different approaches and models related to interpersonal communication. Explain basic communication skills. He criticizes the limitations of his perspective, which reduces communication to social skills. Explains the main components of the interpersonal communication process. Evaluates the relationship between social context, social identity and social perception as components of the interpersonal communication process.

Textbooks and supplementary books:

  1. Interpersonal Relations and Effective Communication, Alim Kaya, Pegem Academy.

Course Evaluation:

Participation / Attendance : 10%,

Mid-Term Exam : 30%,

Homework : 10%,

Final Exam : 50%,

Attendance is at least 95 % mandatory.