Faculty Senate


Faculty Senate

A60: Faculty Senate Bylaws


Approved  BY Rector 01.10.2019

Note: The authority and duties of the Faculty Senate derive from the Faculty Constitution (A51), Section 6.

  3. The Senate shall elect the following officers and representatives annually.

(a) Rector
(b) Rector-elect
(c) Four members of the Senate Operations Committee

  1. The Operations Committee will also include the immediate past Rector of the Senate, whether or not he or she is a member of the Senate. The Operations Committee will always include seven faculty members, so that if the Rector and Rector-Elect are the same person, (i.e., when the Rector-Elect runs for a second term and is elected, or if the Past Rector and Rector are the same person, (i.e., during the second term of a two-year term as Rector), then five members of the Operations Committee shall be elected.

(a) The Rector shall have the following duties:

(1) Serve as chairperson of the Senate and the Operations Committee.


(2) Represent the Faculty before the Board of Trustees, Administration and other groups by attending requisite functions and committee meetings.

(3) Appoint ad-hoc committees as necessary to conduct Senate business.

(b) The Rector-elect shall have the following duties:

(1) Serve on the Operations Committee


(2) Perform the duties of the Rector in the absence of the Rector.

(3) Assist the Rector in representing the faculty before the Administration, the Board of Trustees, and other groups.

(4) Oversee Faculty Senate committee appointments.



(a) The election of the Rector and Operations Committee members shall be conducted annually at a special meeting of the incoming Senate held at the close of the spring term of the preceding academic year. Alternatively, at the discretion of the Rector, this election may be conducted electronically.

(b) The election shall be chaired by the outgoing Rector of the Senate.

(c) The new officers and Operations Committee members shall take office on July 1 of the year of their election.

(d) Nominations and self-nominations for Rector, Rector-Elect, and Operations Committee may be made by incoming senators at a regular Senate meeting or electronically to the University Secretary’s office, which will verify the senator’s willingness to serve.

(e) Among the five voting members of the Operations Committee, at least four faculties must be represented.

(f) If the Rector or Rector-Elect does not complete his or her term of office, the Operations Committee will arrange for the Senate to elect a replacement at the earliest opportunity.

(g) If a member of the Operations Committee does not complete his or her term of office, the Operations Committee will either find a replacement from the un-elected candidates from the most recent Operations Committee election (taking the unelected candidate with the most votes from an eligible faculty) or, if this is not possible, arrange for a new election of a replacement by the Senate.


(a) The Rector, Rector-elect, Past Rector and four voting members of the Senate elected by the Senate.

(b) The Rector of the Senate shall serve as chairperson of the Senate Operations Committee.

(c) The immediate past Rector of the Senate, whether or not he/she is a member of the Senate, shall be an ex-officio voting member of the Operations Committee.


(a) Perform basic administrative functions to facilitate the work of the Senate and Senate Committees.

(b) Establish priorities and set agenda for Senate meeting

(c) Transmit to the Senate with recommendations as to adoption of all reports, recommendations and proposals received from Senate Committees. In performing this function, the Operations Committee shall not change committee recommendations or proposals without the approval of the originating committee. It may refer a recommendation back to the committee for further study or it may present its own recommendations to the Senate together with those of the originating committee.

(d) Coordinate the activities of all Senate Committees.

(e) Study Senate procedures and structure and make recommendations for their improvement.


(f) Recommend to the Senate changes in the committee structure in keeping with Article I, Section 6

(g) of the Faculty Constitution.

(g) Coordinate the work of Senate committees and the administration by forwarding relevant committee reports and recommendations to the appropriate group or individual for additional consideration and comment.

(h) Function as a committee on committees. (Recommend to the Senate the appointment of committee members and chairpersons.)

(i) Assist the Rector and Rector-Elect in representing the faculty before the administration and Board of Trustees, on an as needed basis.

    (See Section III for membership and duties)


  1. Standing Committees of the Senate. All standing committees are responsible to the Senate, report to the Senate Operations Committee, and have their faculty membership appointed by the Senate.
    (a) Admissions and Registration Committee
    (b) Athletic Council
    (c) Bachelor of University Studies Faculty Advisory Committee
    (d) Budget Committee
    (e) Computer Use Committee
    (f) Curricula Committee
    (g) Faculty Ethics and Advisory Committee
    (h) Faculty and Staff Benefits Committee
    (i) Graduate Committee (members appointed by Faculties/Schools)
    (j) Governmental Relations Committee
    (k) Intellectual Property Committee
    (l) Library Committee
    (m) Research Allocations Committee
    (n) Research Policy Committee
    (o) Scholarship Committee
    (p) Teaching Enhancement Committee
    (q) Undergraduate Committee
    (r) University Honours Council
    (s) University Press Committee
  2. Administrative Committees with faculty representatives appointed by the Senate. Faculty members on this Committee shall make periodic reports to the Senate whenever such reports are considered appropriate by them and/or when requested to do so by the Operations Committee.
    (a) Campus Development Advisory Committee
  3. Student committees with faculty representatives appointed by the Senate. Faculty members on these Committees shall make periodic reports to the Senate whenever such reports are considered appropriate by them and/or when requested to do so by the Operations Committee.
    (a) International Affairs Committee
    (b) Student Union Board
    (c) Student Conduct
    (d) Student Privateations Board


  3. In its capacity as a committee on committees, the Operations Committee shall make recommendations to the Senate for all committee appointments (including committee chairpersons) that are the responsibility of the Senate. These appointments shall be voted on by the Senate.
  4. All members of the University voting faculty are eligible for appointment to standing faculty committees or as faculty representatives on administrative and student committees. Appointments shall be determined by the Senate upon recommendation of the Operations Committee.
  5. During the Spring Semester of each year, all faculty shall be asked to rank the various committees according to their preference for membership on those committees. The Operations Committee shall recommend appointments to committees based as feasible upon the stated preferences of faculty members.
  6. Senators are encouraged to serve on a University Committee, and will be given priority consideration in appointments to committees.
  7. Initial committee appointments will normally be effective on July 1 of the year of the appointment. Replacement appointments will be effective when approved by the Senate.
  8. When it is desirable, in the judgment of the Operations Committee and the current Committee chair, if there is one, for a committee appointment to begin as soon as possible, the Operations Committee may make such an appointment on a provisional basis, pending approval by the Senate at its next meeting.
  9. Administrative officers (Vice Rectors and Faculty Deans) shall not serve as Senate appointed committee members.
  11. Given the importance of insuring active participation of all Senators and representation of all parts of the university, if a Senator misses two Senate meetings in a given semester, the Rector shall consult with the Senator concerning attendance and may, after consultation with the Operations Committee, declare the seat vacant.
  12. If a Committee member of any Faculty Senate Committee misses two meetings in a given semester, the Chair of the Committee should consult with that person and may recommend to the Operations Committee that the seat be declared vacant and the person replaced.
  14. Each speaker is limited to five minutes each time when speaking to an issue.
  15. The Senate shall normally meet the fourth Tuesday of every month at 3:00 p.m. Additional meetings may be scheduled by the Operations Committee as needed.
  16. The Rector of the Faculty Senate shall have the right to vote as a member of the body on each motion before the Senate.
  17. A quorum shall consist of 40 per cent of the Senate membership.
  18. Faculty Senate meetings shall be conducted in accordance with the Roberts Rules of Order.



  1. The duties and composition of committees presently listed in the Faculty Handbook will remain as stated.
  2. For committees not presently listed in the Faculty Handbook, the composition will be determined by the Operations Committee.

A61: Faculty Senate Committees



(Approval of any and all changes to Faculty Senate Committees are made by the Faculty Senate)

Membership on Faculty Senate committees is set annually by the Faculty Senate based on faculty preferences.

Terms of committee service are from July 1 through June 30.

A quorum on standing committees is a simple majority.

Ex-officio members shall be non-voting unless otherwise specified by the Faculty Senate.

Ex-officio members of faculty committees are expected to attend meetings and assist the committee by providing pertinent information on issues and shall have the same rights as regular committee members to be heard and speak on issues. However, they shall not attend meetings dealing with personnel matters such as hiring and firing of staff members.

Committees shall have the right, by majority vote of the voting members, to close a session to such ex-officio members.

Participation in committees is a right and duty of individuals of all ranks.

Full-time faculty members are given an opportunity each year to express preference regarding standing committees on which they would like to serve.

Members are expected to take an active part in the work of any committee to which they are assigned.

In no case, however, shall a faculty member serve on more than two standing committees concurrently.

Functions, duties, and composition of these committees are detailed in the individual committee descriptions in:

A61.1: Admissions and Registration Committee


The Admissions and Registration Committee makes recommendations to the Faculty Senate for the establishment of policies and regulations governing admissions, registration, the grading system, university-wide academic regulations, transference and validation of credits, and university-wide graduation requirements. Additionally, this committee monitors the implementation of these policies and regulations. Through subcommittees, the committee rules on individual cases involving falsification of records, grade changes, petitions for waiver of university-wide graduation requirements and special admissions.

(Ten faculty members, including the chairperson, appointed by the Faculty Senate from at least four faculties or schools on the MORA and/or Nicosia campus and one from a branch; two student members appointed by the Associated Students of MTU (ASMTU) and the Graduate And Professional Student Association (GPSA), respectively; the Director of Institutional Research; one dean (or designated representative) of a faculty or school to be elected by the Council of Deans; the Dean of Students; the Vice Provost for Extended University and Dean of Continuing Education and Community Services; the Vice Rector for Student Affairs or designee; the Director of Undergraduate Admissions; and the Registrar. The terms of office shall be for two years, set up on a staggered basis so that the terms of five members will expire each year. The chairperson is elected by the Committee.)

A61.2: Athletic Council


The chief duties and functions of the Athletic Council are to formulate, maintain, and review general policies pertaining to intercollegiate athletics. The purpose of the council is to support the personal and academic welfare of the student athlete, protect institutional integrity, and ensure compliance with the North Cyprus National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) and affiliated conference rules. In formulating policy, the Athletic Council shall (a) maintain a position in favor of high scholastic standards for intercollegiate athletics; (b) maintain a position in favor of high standards of institutional and personal integrity and ethical conduct for intercollegiate athletics, and (c) maintain the concept of the intercollegiate athlete as an amateur competitor, a bona fide student pursuing a degree program.

The duties of the Athletic Council are further defined as:

(a) to transmit to the Rector and Faculty Senate at the beginning of each calendar year a report to include information on athletic scholarships and financial aid given to athletes, current review of the graduation rates of student athletes, the eligibility of student athletes as indicated by the Faculty Representative to the North Cyprus NCAA, the Registrar’s Office, and the Athletic Academic Advising Office, appropriate recommendations concerning the administration of athletic programs from the perspective of the academic performance of student athletes;

(b) to encourage ethical conduct in intercollegiate sports at the Mesarya Technical University;

(c) to make appropriate recommendations to the Vice Rector for Athletics, the faculty, and MTU Rector regarding items pertaining to the maintenance of scholastic standards for intercollegiate athletics;

(d) to review criteria for admission and eligibility of student athletes, and policies regarding student athletes’ progress towards degrees;

(e) to review and monitor MTU’s athletics programs for compliance with North Cyprus NCAA and MWC rules and regulations including the review of periodic compliance reports;

(f) to provide comments and recommendations regarding changes in NCAA, MWC, or other relevant conferences rules, bylaws, policies and procedures to the VP for Athletics and the faculty representative to the NCAA,

(g) to review and make recommendations regarding conference affiliations and other intercollegiate relationships;

(h) to review at the end of each academic year the list provided by the Vice Rector for Athletics of student athletes whose scholarships or financial aid are not being renewed, including the reason for each action;

(i) to review annually team schedules for conformity to the Athletic Council policy on scheduling of academic events and review and approve scheduling exceptions;

(j) to consult with the Vice Rector for Athletics on policies and procedures for the annual evaluation of coaches and athletic staff;

(k) to review and make recommendations regarding appeals of student athletes on academic and athletic matters, and.

(l) to advise the Vice Rector for Athletics, when an Associate Director of Athletics or a head coach is to be employed or dismissed

The Council shall include twelve faculty members, the majority of whom should be tenured, including the chairperson, all to be appointed by the Faculty Senate. These twelve members must be representative of at least four faculties. The terms of office shall be for three years, set up on a staggered basis so that the terms of two members will expire each year. The remaining council membership shall be composed of: three undergraduate student members; one graduate student member; one alumni member; and, also, ex-officio, non-voting, the Vice Rector for Athletics, the Associate Director of Athletics, and the faculty representative to the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA). An executive committee of the Council may be appointed to provide coverage during the summer months when some faculty members of the Council may not be available.

A61.4: Budget Committee


The Budget Committee has the responsibility to make recommendations to the Faculty Senate for advising the budget office in developing the university budget. In particular, the functions of the committee include, but are not limited to:

(a) the presentation to the Faculty Senate each September of an analysis of the previous year’s disbursement of incremental resources; and

(b) the development with the central administration of the university budget for presentation to the Board of Trustees.

(At least 8 faculty members appointed by the Faculty Senate, one from each of the following academic areas [where possible given the number of faculty in each area]: Architecture & Engineering, Education, Economics / Administrative Sciences, University Libraries, Law, Veterinary Medicine , Health Sciences, Natural & Agricultural Sciences and ex-officio member appointed by the Vice Rector for Business and Finance. The terms of office shall be for three years, set up on a staggered basis so that the terms of at least 3 members will expire each year. The chairperson is elected by the Committee.)


A61.5: Campus Development Advisory Committee





The Campus Development Advisory Committee (CDAC) advises the MTU administration on issues relating to the physical environment of the campus as they contribute to and affect the mission, goals and quality of life at the University. The CDAC serves as a forum for the communication and exchange of ideas and proposals regarding development on the campus and its impact on the campus community, the surrounding neighborhoods, and the Town of MORA and/or City of Nicosia.

The intent of the committee’s involvement is to carry out intelligent and representative reviews of proposed projects, and to offer constructive comment and recommendations directly to the administrative group managing the projects as well as serving as an advisory body to the Provost and Faculty Senate.

Scope of Committee Reviews

The CDAC reviews initiatives that will result in a physical alteration to the campus fabric. The types of projects that fall under the Committee’s review include:

  • Site selection for new buildings or other space development
  • Placement of new buildings on a site
  • Site development for buildings or landscape architectural projects such as plazas, open space areas, recreational areas, pedestrian zones, parking lots
  • General character, size, massing and materials of proposed new buildings
  • Proposed alterations to historic elements of the campus
  • Plans for changes to the patterns of access and circulation systems on campus, and as these connect to city systems
  • Issues regarding the Campus Master Plan


Evaluative Criteria

The CDAC reviews proposals to consider the general ‘fit’ between the project and a range of contextual conditions, including:

  • The health and safety of students, employees, visitors and residents of the campus
  • Potential impacts on movement, visual accessibility and environmental conditions in the surrounding context in which the project is proposed
  • The degree to which the proposal incorporates sustainable practices in site and building development
  • The aesthetic impact of the proposed development
  • The impact of the proposed project on the Campus Master Plan and future development considerations





Committee Procedure

  • The Committee reviews proposals in the preliminary phase of the design process at stage when suggestions and recommendations can still be incorporated. They receive information on the projects again at the completion of the design development stage.
  • The Institutional Support Services (ISS) Division and its project managers bring projects before the committee at the appropriate stages of development.
  • The Committee reports in an advisory capacity to the Provost, Faculty Senate Operations Committee and Vice Rector for Institutional Support Services through the Faculty Committee Chair
  • ISS provides staff support for the Committee.
  • The Committee will meet monthly (generally, on the 2nd Thursday of each Month).


Committee Representation

  • Seven faculty members are appointed by Faculty Senate, five from the main campus (including one from the faculty of Architecture and Planning), and two from the Nicosia City campus.
  • Three student representatives, one from the Associated Students of MTU (ASMTU), one from the Graduate and Professional Student Association (GPSA) and one from the Residence Halls Student Association.
  • The Administrative members shall be the Vice Rector for Institutional Support Services; the Provost/Vice Rector for Academic Affairs; Vice Rector for Student Affairs (including representatives for student development and the accessibility resource center), the Vice Rector of the Health Sciences Centre; and the Administrator of the MTU Health Center. Any of the administrators may be represented by individuals under their supervision who are designated at the first meeting of each academic year.

The following individuals will have non-voting membership on the committee:

  • The MTU Directors of: Planning and Campus Development, Physical Plant, Real Estate, Office of Capital Projects, MTUH Facilities Services, the University Architect, University Landscape Architect, University Planner, Campus Chief of Police, Parking Services Director, and Campus Safety Director
  • Three representatives from the City: one each from the Planning Department; the Private Works Department; and the Transit and Parking Department
  • Four representatives from neighborhood associations that are located in the four quadrants (north, east, south and west) which are contiguous with the main and north campuses; these four neighborhood representatives will be selected by the Federation of University Neighborhoods.

The Committee is chaired by a faculty member elected by the faculty members from among voting committee members.  The Vice Rector for Institutional Support Services shall co-chair the committee.

61.6: Information Technology Use Committee


(Approved by Rector 01.10.2019)

The Information Technology Use Committee, in cooperation with MTU IT and other core technology providers, is advisory to the office of the Provost/Vice Rector for Academic Affairs on all matters relating to technology access. Through communication with the academic and administrative units, it represents the needs and concerns, particularly of the academic community, for computing resources and information technology needs. Its purview includes, but is not limited to, articulation of needs, advocacy of innovative and effective instructional technologies, active participation in planning, advice on IT budgets, recommendation for priorities and liaison with academic as well as administrative computer users. The Committee reports to the Faculty Senate through regular procedures and submits a yearly report to the Senate.

A61.7: Curricula Committee

Approved by: Rector
Effective: 01.10.2019
Responsible Faculty Committee: Curricula
Office Responsible for Administration: Office of the University Secretary

Revisions to the Policy Rationale, Policy Statement, and Applicability sections of this document must be approved by the full Faculty Senate.

Policy Rationale

The primary role of the Curricula Committee, in cooperation with the Senate Graduate Committee and the Undergraduate Committee, is responsible for maintaining and enhancing the quality of the curricula in the Mesarya Technical University (MTU), its branches, and its graduate centers.

Policy Statement

Faculty members will be appointed by the Faculty Senate or in the case of branch campus faculty who will be appointed by their respective faculty assemblies. The Curricula Committee shall consist of the following faculty members. One faculty member from each of the branch campuses; three from Arts and Sciences, [one from the humanities (including foreign languages), one from the social and behavioral sciences, one from the natural/physical sciences and math], and one each from Architecture and Planning, Dental Hygiene Programs, Education, Engineering, Fine Arts, Honors Faculty, University Libraries, Law, Management, Veterinary Medicine, , two students appointed by the Associated Students of MTU (ASMTU) and the Graduate and Professional Student Association (GPSA), respectively. Ex-officio members shall include the Registrar, a Collection Development Librarian, a faculty administrator from the Office of Academic Affairs, the Director of University Advising, a faculty administrator from the Office of the Chancellor for HSC, and one representative from the Graduate and Professional Committee. The chairperson is elected by the Committee.

The functions of the Committee shall include, but not be limited to, all of the following;

  1. Reviewing the recommendations of the Senate Graduate Committee concerning all proposals for major changes in programs (Form C), including new degrees, new programs, new majors and minors, name changes, and substantive changes in existing programs, and transmitting them to the Faculty Senate for final approval.


  1. Reviewing and making recommendations on all proposals for minor course changes (Form A), new courses (Form B), minor changes in existing programs (Form C), originating from students, departments, programs, divisions, schools, faculties of the University and its branches and graduate centers, and Faculty Senate committees.
  2. Participating, together with members of the Senate Graduate and Professional Committee and Undergraduate Committee, in periodic reviews of instructional units and programs.


  1. Hearing curricular disputes and recommending means for their resolution.


  1. Initiating occasional reviews of curricular offerings and policies at MTU.


  1. Recommending to the Faculty Senate both programs and the application of curricular policies.


  1. Overseeing the approval and on-going assessment of the Core Curriculum in consultation with the Faculty Senate.



All MTU units, including the Health Sciences Centre and Branch Campuses.

Revisions to the remaining sections of this document may be amended with the approval of the Faculty Senate Policy and Operations Committee in consultation with the responsible Faculty Senate Committee listed in Policy Heading.


No specific definitions are required for the Policy Statement.

Who should read this policy?

  • Academic chairs, directors, and deans
  • Non-academic managers and directors
  • Vice Rectors and other executives

Related Documents

“Plan for Assessment of Courses in the UG General Education Core Curriculum Template”


Direct any questions about this policy to the MTU Office of the University Secretary.



  1. Procedures for Adding Courses to the Core Curriculum

1.1       Documentation Required

Departments wishing to add courses to the MTU Core Curriculum must submit a Form C for each proposed new course.  The Form C should be accompanied by the following material:

  • Identification of the area into which the course will fit (writing/speaking, math, science, social/behavioral sciences, humanities, non-English language, fine arts.)
  • Rationale for adding the course to the core.
  • Justification for adding the course to the Core.
  • How will this course benefit MTU students?
  • Why does it belong in the MTU Core Curriculum?
  • Impact statement on the effect this addition may have upon other departments/courses currently in the Core.
    • Current and predicted enrolments for the next three years.
    • Demonstrated example of “Annual Report on Assessment.”
    • Budget/Faculty Load statement.
    • Budget impact statement.
    • Resources (faculty/facilities) that the department has for teaching the course.
    • Memo from Dean or Faculty Curriculum Committee regarding financial support for five to ten years.
    • Student learning outcomes and proposed techniques to assess those outcomes. [See MTU Outcomes Assessment template “Plan for Assessment of Courses in the UG General Education Core Curriculum Template.”
    • Documentation of MTU and HED Core Competencies addressed. (Unless the courses are not applicable to HED standards, i.e. non-English language MTU Core).
    • Complete syllabus and course schedule including time on topics and suggested text.


1.2 Approvals

  • Approval by department’s faculty curriculum committee/dean
  • Review by the Faculty Senate Undergraduate Committee
  • Approval by Faculty Senate Curricula Committee
  • Office of the Provost
  • Vote by Faculty Senate
  • HED’s “Northern Cyprus (TRNC) Common Core Curriculum Course Evaluation” form and Northern Cyprus (TRNC) Common course number (NMCCN) if one existsProvost’s Office
  • Provost’s Office will inform Registrar’s office of addition to the MTU Core


1.3 Timeline

  • Departments must submit the Form …….. to Curriculum Workflow early in the fall semester.
  • Faculty Senate Curriculum Committee must receive proposal by December 1 for the opportunity for inclusion in the upcoming course catalogue.


  1. Procedures for Deleting Courses from the Core Curriculum

2.1 Documentation Required


Departments wishing to delete courses to the MTU Core Curriculum must submit a Form ………… for each course to be deleted.  The Form …… should be accompanied by the following material:

  • Identification of the area into which the course fits (writing/speaking, Math, Science, Social/Behavioral Sciences, Humanities, Non-English Language, Fine Arts.)
  • Rationale for deleting the course from the core.
  • Justification for deleting the course from the Core.
  • Impact statement on the effect this deletion may have upon other departments/courses currently in the Core.
  • Enrolment history for the previous three years.
  • Budget/Faculty Load statement.
  • Budget impact statement.
    • Memo from Dean or Faculty Curriculum Committee regarding support for removing this course from the core.


2.2 Approval Procedures

  • Approval by department’s faculty curriculum committee/dean
  • Review by the Faculty Senate Undergraduate Committee
  • Approval by Faculty Senate Curricula Committee
  • Office of the Provost
  • Vote by Faculty Senate
  • HED’s “Northern Cyprus (TRNC) Common Core Curriculum Course Evaluation” form and Northern Cyprus (TRNC) Common course number (NMCCN) if one exists.
  • Provost’s Office
  • Provost’s Office will inform Registrar’s office of deletion from the MTU Core.


2.3 Timeline

  • Departments must submit the Form …… to Curriculum Workflow early in the fall semester.
  • Faculty Senate Curriculum Committee must receive proposal by December 1 for the deletion in the upcoming course catalogue.


A61.8: Faculty Ethics and Advisory Committee


The Faculty Ethics and Advisory Committee shall advise and consult with the Rector of the University, the Provost/Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, or the Committee on Academic Freedom and Tenure regarding action to be taken, if any, where a faculty member or a graduate, teaching, research or project assistant in the course of his or her instructional or research-related duties is accused of unethical behavior as defined by the Statement of Professional Ethics (Appendix V). The committee shall also familiarize itself with the Statement on Professional Ethics. (See Appendix V, page 53, Policy on Academic Freedom and Tenure.) The committee may decide that a complaint falls outside its mandate and decline to investigate.

(7 faculty members appointed by the Faculty Senate and one graduate student appointed by the Graduate and Professional Student Association. Members of the Committee shall serve for overlapping, two-year terms. The chairperson shall be elected each year by the Committee and shall be a tenured faculty member.)

A61.9: Faculty and Staff Benefits


The Faculty and Staff Benefits Committee (FSBC) is charged by the Faculty Senate and the Staff Council to review and advise on current and potential University benefits to include but not be limited to, the retirement and insurance plans and health care and investigate the feasibility of additional benefits as may occur to the committee or be suggested to the committee. The committee shall then recommend changes in, or additions to, these benefits to the Faculty Senate, Staff Council and University Administration. Other units within the University shall not create separate benefits committees.

Membership. Committee membership will include both voting and non-voting members as follows:

Voting members. 7 faculty members appointed by the Faculty Senate; 3 staff members appointed by the Staff Council; 1 retiree appointed by the Retiree Association;

Non-voting. (Ex-officio members): Executive ViceRector for Administration/designee; Vice Rector for Human Resources/designee; Faculty Affairs and Services Director; Human Resources Department Benefits and Employee Services Director; and the Payroll Manager.

Visitors. The FSBC may from time to time ask individuals with information/knowledge on special topics to address/advise the committee.

Chairpersons. The FSBC will have Co-chairpersons (one faculty and one staff member) who will be elected annually by the voting members of the committee.

Minutes. Minutes will be kept for each meeting and will be reported to the Faculty Senate, the Staff Council and the Retirees Association. This policy and charge when adopted will be added to the Faculty Senate Handbook and the Staff Council Bylaws.


A61.10: Governmental Relations Committee


The Governmental Relations Committee is responsible for identifying issues of concern to faculty, developing strategies to address these issues, and communicating with the executive and legislative branches of government regarding them. The Committee will monitor developments at the state and local levels that affect higher education and will inform the Senate of these developments and recommend appropriate response.

Membership: 7 faculty members, representing 7 or more faculties, nominated by the Faculty Senate. Members shall serve overlapping three-year terms and may be reappointed. The Chairperson is elected by the Committee at the last meeting of the academic year.

(For the first year, members will be solicited from the faculty at large by special announcement. 7members will be appointed, 1 each to one-, two-, and three-year terms. In subsequent years, appointments will be made through the regular committee-preference process.)

A61.11: Graduate Committee


The Senate Graduate and Professional Committee (SGPC), in consultation with Faculty (School or Division) Graduate Committees, the Dean of Graduate Studies and the Executive Vice Rector for Health Sciences is responsible for maintaining and enhancing the quality of graduate/professional education in the University and its graduate and/or professional centers by

(1) making recommendations on proposals for major changes in graduate/professional programs (Forms C and D), including new degrees and certificates, new programs, new majors and minors and concentrations, name changes, substantive changes in existing programs and suspensions or abolition of degrees or programs, and transmitting them to the Faculty Senate;

(2) participating, together with members of the Curricula and Undergraduate Committees, in periodic reviews of instructional units and programs;

(3) ascertaining the degree to which modifications recommended by the reviews of academic units and programs have been implemented, identifying obstacles to making such modifications, and determining how such obstacles might be surmounted;

(4) coordinating and monitoring graduate/professional activities throughout the University;

(5) presenting to the Faculty Senate recommendations concerning general policies for graduate/professional education, including the creation, suspension and termination of graduate and/or professional degrees and programs;

(6) recommending to the Faculty Senate the granting of graduate, professional and honorary degrees; and

(7) hearing and resolving disputes involving policy or quality control issues pertaining to University-wide regulations and standards for graduate and professional students and graduate and professional education following procedures as will be found in appropriate sections of the Faculty Handbook and the MTU Catalogue.

(The membership shall consist of 7 faculty and one student: one faculty member selected by each of the following Faculty/School/Division Graduate Committees from its membership: Architecture and Planning, Education, Engineering, Fine Arts, Law, Management, Veterinary Medical Sciences, Nursing, Pharmacy, Private Administration; three faculty members selected from its Graduate Committee membership by the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, one representing each of the three divisions within the faculty [sciences, social sciences, humanities]. one member each from the University Libraries, University Faculty, and the Graduate and Professional Student Association. The Dean, Associate and Assistant Deans of Graduate Studies, the University Registrar, the Vice Provost for Extended University, and the Provost or his/her designee shall be non-voting ex-officio members.)

The selection of faculty members is made in the spring semester of the preceding year and is for a two-year term. The terms are staggered so that Architecture & Engineering, Law, Management, Nursing, Pharmacy, University Faculty, and one member from Arts & Sciences are chosen in odd-numbered years while Education, Fine Arts, Veterinary Medical Sciences, Private Administration, University Libraries, and the other two members from Arts & Sciences are chosen in even-numbered years. The GPSA representative is chosen for a one-year term. All representatives will serve no more than three consecutive terms.

Late in the spring semester of each odd-numbered year, the committee membership elects a chair-elect who assumes the chair the fall semester of the next even numbered year. The chair serves a 2-year term, but does not represent his/her Faculty (School or Division). Rather the Faculty (School or Division) Graduate Committee whose representative assumes the chair will choose a new representative to serve out the chair’s term or begin a new two-year term, as appropriate.

Charge to Faculty Graduate Committees


  1. Within the faculty/school/or division, the graduate and/or professional committee, in consultation with the dean or director of that unit, supervises and coordinates graduate/professional activity and maintains the University’s policies regarding graduate/professional affairs and recommends to the faculty/school/or division faculty supplementary policies appropriate to the unit in question, as well as recommending to the Senate Graduate and Professional Committee whatever revisions in basic University policy it deems necessary to maintain and improve the quality of graduate/professional education.


  1. Within the policies established by the Faculty Senate, the SGPC, and the faculty of the faculty/school/or division, the committee in consultation with the dean or director of the faculty/school/or division shall be responsible for: (a) endorsement of new courses and programs at the graduate/professional level;

(b) approval of regular full-time graduate faculty for courses receiving graduate credits;

(c) endorsement of standards for appointment of graduate, teaching, research and project assistants; (d) receiving and processing petitions on behalf of individual graduate and/or professional students dealing with changes in programs, requirements related to that graduate/professional unit, or any other appeal of an academic nature; and,

(e) maintenance of quality control processes including admission of students to graduate/professional programs, endorsement of the membership of examination committees, dissertation committees and program of studies committees.

Final approval (except 2b) rests with the SGPC in conjunction with the Dean of Graduate Studies or appropriate Professional Program equivalent as noted above in the charge to the Senate Graduate/ Professional Committee.

  1. The graduate and/or professional committee of each faculty/school/or division in consultation with its dean or director and acting within the general faculty policies of that unit shall recommend to the Senate Graduate and Professional Committee the internal arrangement and procedures deemed most appropriate to the implementation of 1 and 2 above.

Approval of the implementation proposals from each faculty/school/or division rests with the SGPC acting in consultation with the Dean of Graduate Studies or appropriate Professional Program equivalent.


A61.12: Honorary Degree Committee


The Honorary Degree Committee, a subcommittee of the Senate Graduate Committee shall be composed as follows:

(Two members appointed by the Rector of the Board of Trustees; two members of the General Faculty (appointed for two-year terms by the Faculty Senate:) two members of the General Faculty (appointed for two-year terms by the Senate Graduate Committee;) the Rector of the University and the Rector of the Graduate and Professional Student Association. Additionally, the Rector of the Board of Trustees and the Secretary of the University shall be ex-officio members, the Secretary to serve as Secretary of the Committee. The Committee shall elect its own chairman from among the faculty members appointed by the Faculty Senate and the Senate Graduate Committee.)

Operating guidelines: Each year, the Honorary Degree Committee shall solicit nominations for honorary degrees from any source they deem proper. However, a great emphasis should be placed on nominees whose contributions are to MTU, Northern Cyprus (TRNC). The Honorary Degree Committee shall decide if an honorary degree is to be given for any particular year. If no selection is made, the Senate Graduate Committee, the Faculty Senate, and the Board of Trustees will be so notified. If the Honorary Degree Committee decides there are appropriate candidates–to a maximum of three annually–they may make a selection or selections and shall present the names of the nominees to the Senate Graduate Committee for confidential approval or disapproval of any or all names. If Senate Graduate Committee’s approval is forthcoming for any or all of the nominees, the names shall be submitted to the Faculty Senate for confidential approval no later than at the February meeting. Names of nominees approved by the Faculty Senate shall then be submitted to the Board of Trustees for formal approval at their Commencement meeting. (However, approval of the Board of Trustees not on the Honorary Degree Committee must be secured informally before names are submitted to the Senate Graduate Committee.) Disapproval of all names by the Senate Graduate Committee, the Faculty Senate, or the Board of Trustees stops the process at that point for that year. New nominations from the Senate Graduate Committee, the Faculty Senate, or the Board of Trustees will only be considered by the Honorary Degree Committee for a subsequent year.

Early in each academic year, the Honorary Degree Committee makes nominations for the awarding of honorary degrees in accordance with the policy provided below.

Policy for Awarding Honorary Degrees

Approved, Board of Trustees: 01.10.2019


The Mesarya Technical University wishes to recognize and thereby encourage individuals by awarding special honors to those persons who have contributed significantly to the cultural or scientific development of the Northern Cyprus, or to the spiritual or material welfare of its people.

At the same time, due regard should be paid to eminent individuals and scholars whose contributions are of general significance and transcend geographic limitations. In no case should a passing courtesy to the MTU, such as the delivery of a commencement address, be the sole or principal cause for such honorary awards. The award of an honorary degree to a person seeking or holding a political office does not indicate endorsement by the MTU Political involvement should not prevent selection of an individual for an honorary degree.

It is not the University’s policy to award honorary degrees to active members of the faculty, staff, or administration. This does not preclude, in an exceptional case, the awarding of an honorary degree to an emeritus member of the faculty or to a former employee whose stature remains or becomes eminent in the years following active service with the University. In such exceptions, sufficient time shall have elapsed to ensure objectivity in the process of selection.

Honorary degrees will be awarded only upon the approval of the Board of Trustees, based on recommendations from the Honorary Degree Committee, whose membership is set out in the Faculty Handbook.

Further information on awarding honorary degrees and other types of special recognition can be obtained from “Special Recognition and Awards,” Section 1.6, Board of Trustees’ Policy Manual.

A61.14: Library Committee


The Library Committee meets regularly to address issues and make recommendations related to the university libraries’ policies, budgets and other issues in so far as they impact the teaching, research and service responsibilities of the faculty, and the studies of undergraduate and graduate students. The role of the Committee is also to facilitate communication among libraries and between libraries and faculties of the university. The issues that the Committee will address may be generated by the Committee itself or may be brought to the Committee by any faculty, student or library staff member. Recommendations by the Committee will be made to the Faculty Senate and, when appropriate, to the relevant deans, library directors and vice-Rectors. Advice and consultation on library issues will be sought from the library faculty and staff. The chairperson of the Library Committee shall make an annual report to the Faculty Senate reviewing its major activities, including a list of recommended actions. A copy of this report will be sent, for informational purposes, to the Provost/Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, the Vice-Rector for the Health Sciences, the Dean of the Law School, the Dean of the University Libraries, the Director of the Health Sciences Centre Library, and the Directors of the various branch campuses.


One member from each of the following groupings:

Faculties, Schools, Economics, and Private Administration
Architecture &Engineering
Natural & Agricultural
University Libraries
Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Sciences
MTU branch campuses
Law School

One member from each of the following groupings:
Undergraduate Students (to be appointed by the Associated Students of MTU (ASMTU)
Graduate Students (to be appointed by the Graduate and Professional Student Association (GPSA)

Ex 0fficio:

Dean of the University Libraries
Director of the Health Sciences Centre Library
Director of the Law Library

1) English, Foreign Languages & Literatures, History, Linguistics, Philosophy, Spanish and Portuguese.
2) Biology, Chemistry, Earth and Planetary Sciences, Mathematics and Statistics, Physics and Astronomy, Psychology.
3) American Studies, Anthropology, Communication and Journalism, Geography, Political Science, Sociology, Speech and Hearing Sciences, Community and Regional Planning.

The terms of each office shall be for three years set up on a staggered basis. The chairperson is elected by the Committee. The terms of office of students will be determined by the ASMTU and the GPSA.

A61.15: Research Allocations Committee

Approved by: Rector                 Effective: 01.10.2019
Responsible Faculty Committee: Research Allocations
Office Responsible for Administration: Office of the University Secretary

Revisions to the Policy Rationale, Policy Statement, and Applicability sections of this document must be approved by the full Faculty Senate.

Policy Rationale

The primary mission of the RAC funding is to support the career development of faculty (research and creative works) who are in various stages of career development, but priority will be given to faculty:

1) in the early stage of their careers,

2) embarking upon new directions, or

3) in fields and disciplines where there is limited funding.

The Research Allocations Committee (RAC) supervises and allocates the Faculty Research Fund. This policy document provides policies and the procedures for grant application, approval, acceptance, and administration. It also defines the structure and composition of the Research Allocations Committee.

Policy Statement

The Research Allocations Committee receives requests from faculty members for grants-in-aid, determines faculty eligibility for grants from the fund and the amount of such grants, and appraises the merits of proposed research projects as well as the productivity of the applicants.

The Committee shall communicate and meet with the Vice Rector for Research or his/her designated representatives. The Committee shall formally meet periodically during fall and spring semesters to discuss the availability and allocation of funds.



Committee Membership

Twelve members appointed by the Faculty Senate; of these twelve, at least one shall be selected from each of the following seven areas with no more than three members from any one area serving concurrently:

  1. Physical Sciences—e.g., chemistry, earth and planetary, mathematics and statistics, physics and astronomy.
  2. Life Sciences—e.g., biology, psychology.
  3. Social Sciences—e.g., anthropology, “business and administrative sciences”, economics, geography, history, law, political science, sociology.
  4. Engineering–all departments of the Faculty of Architecture &Engineering.
  5. Education–all departments of the Faculty of Education.
  6. Humanities—e.g., English, journalism, foreign languages and literatures, Spanish and Portuguese, philosophy, communication.
  7. Fine Arts–all departments of the Faculty of Fine Arts.

The term of service shall be two years. Committee members may be elected to a second two-year term. At least one year must pass before a Committee member who has served two consecutive two-year terms is again eligible to serve. At the last meeting each year, the Committee shall elect a chair from the eligible membership. The chair shall remain active through the summer session. The chair or a designated representative shall convene the initial meeting of the new committee.


All MTU units, including the Health Sciences Centre and Branch Campuses.

Revisions to the remaining sections of this document may be amended with the approval of the Faculty Senate Policy and Operations Committee in consultation with the responsible Faculty Senate Committee listed in Policy Heading.


No specific definitions are required for the Policy Statement.

Who should read this policy

  • Academic chairs, directors, and deans
  • Faculty members

Related Documents

Mesarya Technical University Research Allocations Committee (RAC) Guidelines for Grants (≤ $10,000)


Direct any questions about this policy to the MTU Office of the University Secretary.


Procedures for inclusion in this document will be developed by the Research Allocations Committee that defines:


  • Eligibility
  • Funding cycles and submissions
  • Funding priorities and eligible project categories
  • Application requirements
  • RAC review process


A61.16: Research Policy Committee


The primary role of the Research Policy Committee shall be to encourage and support research and its funding at the Mesarya Technical University, including all its established units. The functions of the committee shall include, but not be limited to: initiating, formulating, recommending, and reviewing policies regarding sponsored and unsponsored research, and intellectual property; recommending University policy regarding the distribution of overhead and institutional grants; reviewing with the chief administrative officers for research the research budget of the University prior to and during its final development, and informing and making recommendations to the Faculty Senate regarding this budget; recommending policy concerning the use of the Faculty Research Fund and reviewing and making recommendations to the administration through the Faculty Senate regarding the budget of the Faculty Research Fund; formulating policy regarding the establishment, major modification or termination, and periodic review of research centers, bureaus, institutes, or other related organizations, reviewing and making recommendations to the central administration and the Faculty Senate on proposals regarding these bodies, and participating in the periodic review of these centers; evaluating, formulating and recommending policy concerning research support services provided by computer facilities, libraries, contract accounting, research administration, and other support organizations; making recommendations to the central administration when the appointment of the chief administrative officers for research is being considered; making recommendations to the Faculty Senate on matters of grant research, contract research, patent and copyright policy, and policy on commercialization of intellectual property affecting directly or indirectly the faculty and University as a whole; consulting with the Faculty Senate on formulating the charge of the Intellectual Property Committee as called for in the University Intellectual Property Policy; recommending candidates for the Annual Research Lectureship; meeting with the academic deans formally at least once each year to discuss current problems and exchange information concerning research; and consulting with the chief administrative officers for research regarding implementation of policies.

(7 faculty members, appointed by the Faculty Senate in consultation with the Committee chairperson, selected primarily from faculties and departments generating sponsored research: including three from the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, two from the Faculty of Education, two from the School of Engineering, one from the Faculty of Fine Arts, one from the Library, and two from the Health Sciences Centre. One graduate student member nominated by the Graduate and Professional Student Association (GPSA). Ex-officio members include the chief administrative officer for research on main campus, the chief administrative officer for research at the Health Sciences Centre, and the Director of the Science and Technology Corporation at MTU. The attorney from the University Counsel’s office with primary responsibility for research matters shall attend committee meetings and provide legal advice to the RPC. The terms of office shall be for three years, set up on a staggered basis so that the terms of at least three members will expire each year. A member may be appointed for a second three-year term. The chair is elected by the Committee and normally will serve a renewable two-year term. The committee annually elects a Vice-Chair to serve in place of the chair in her/his absence. In addition to Committee appointees, subcommittee membership will be augmented with other faculty, administrators, and graduate students as required for specific subcommittee tasks.)

A61.17: Scholarship Committee


The Scholarship Committee will:

  1. formulate and oversee the implementation of policies governing the allocation of scholarships to students when policy is not stipulated by the granting agency;
  2. coordinate scholarship issues with the Scholarship Office (SO), Student Financial Aid Office (SFO), and other university offices and administrators and advise the Directors of the SO and SFO on matters brought to the Committee by the MTU community;
  3. submit an annual report to the Faculty Senate each May on issues and decisions related to the granting of scholarships by the SO and SFO;
  4. evaluate scholarship-related budgetary policy in the Student Affairs Division and advise the Vice-Rector of Student Affairs and the Provost on scholarship-related budgetary policy, and on matters brought to the committee by the MTU community;
  5. assist in the selection process of the Board of Trustees and Rector’s Scholars; and,
  6. oversee and assist designated MTU faculty representatives in disseminating information concerning screening and preparing applicants from among MTU students for major national and international scholarships such as the Truman, Rhodes, Marshall, Goldwater, and Fulbright Scholarships.

(Ten faculty members, including chairperson, appointed by the Faculty Senate from at least six faculties; two student members appointed by the Associated Students of MTU (ASMTU); one student member appointed by the Graduate and Professional Student Association (GPSA); also as ex-officio members, the Dean of Students, the Director of Development, the Dean of the Undergraduate Studies, the Director of Admissions, the Bursar, the Director of Recruitment Services, the Director of the Scholarship Office, and Director of Student Financial Aid.)

A61.18: Teaching Enhancement Committee


The purpose of the Teaching Enhancement Committee (TEC) shall be to encourage and support quality teaching and its funding as the primary role of the Mesarya Technical University, including all its established units. The TEC will in no way infringe upon the academic freedom of faculty members in searching for and imparting knowledge. The functions of the committee shall include, but not be limited to: initiating, formulating and recommending policies regarding teaching resources, support staff and faculties; recommending University policy regarding the granting of awards and stipends for outstanding teaching and scholarly achievements; oversee selection of Rector’s Teaching Fellow and Teacher of the Year Awards and future University teaching honors; awarding funds to be used as incentives to enhance teaching methods and curriculum development through the Teaching Allocations Subcommittee; reviewing and recommending the use of contemporary and developing tools for teaching quality and productivity; serve as an advisory committee to the Centre for the Advancement of Scholarship in Teaching and Learning (CASTL); evaluating, formulating and recommending policy concerning teaching support services provided by computer facilities, libraries, media services, and other support organizations; developing and recommending a plan for the institution of an annual lecture by an outstanding teacher and the procedure for selection; meeting formally with the Deans’ Council and the Senate Operations Committee at least once each year to discuss current problems and exchange information concerning teaching.

(4 faculty members, appointed by the Faculty Senate; one graduate student appointed by the Graduate Professional Student Association (GPSA); one undergraduate student appointed by the Associated Students of MTU (ASMTU). The Provost, the Associate Provost for Academic Affairs, and the Director of CASTL shall be ex officio members of the committee. The terms of office shall be three years set up on a staggered basis, and the committee members shall elect the chair.)

A61.19: Undergraduate Committee


The Undergraduate Committee is responsible for maintaining and enhancing the quality of undergraduate education in the University and its branches by

(1) presenting to the Faculty Senate recommendations concerning general policies for undergraduate education, including policies on the creation and termination of undergraduate degrees and programs;

(2) considering proposals regarding administrative or academic regulations which affect the overall undergraduate program;

(3) interviewing, or designating appropriate faculty members to interview, prospective instructors for the University ROTC programs;

(4) reviewing policy questions concerning undergraduate counselling and advisement programs;

(5) participating, together with members of the Curricula and Graduate Committees, in periodic reviews of instructional units and programs;

(6) developing and implementing a process of periodic review of undergraduate programs; and

(7), together with the Curricula Committee, evaluating new undergraduate curriculum forms.

7 faculty members, including the chair, appointed for a term of three years by the Faculty Senate:

1 from the Faculty of  Education ,  1 from the Faculty of Law , 1 from Faculty of Economics & Administrative Sciences, 1 from the Faculty of Natural & Agricultural Sciences, 1 from Faculty of  Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Sciences, 1 from University Libraries, and 1 from Faculty of  Architecture & Engineering representative from each branch faculty. The committee also includes two undergraduate students, one appointed by the ASMTU Senate and one by the ASMTU Rector. The chair is elected by the committee. Ex officio non-voting members include the Registrar, the Provost offices for Undergraduate Affairs and Extended University, and the Dean of Students.

A61.21: University Press Committee


General supervision of the editorial policies and publishing operations of the University Press is vested in a committee so named. It is the custodian of the University imprint for all publications issued by the Press and has general responsibility for the critical reading of manuscripts submitted for publication and for the ultimate acceptance of such manuscripts. The committee makes recommendations to the Administration regarding the appointment of the Director of the Press. The committee submits to the Faculty Senate an annual report on the state of the press. (The MTU Printing Plant is a separate department of the University and not under the jurisdiction of the University Press Committee.)

(4 faculty members, appointed by the Faculty Senate in consultation with the Director of the Press; also the Director of the University Press. No more than 2 members shall be from any one department. The terms of office shall be for three years, set up on a staggered basis so that the terms of 3 members will expire each year. A member may be appointed for a second three-year term. The chairperson is elected by the Committee.)

A61.22: Policy Committee


(Approved by Rector  01.10.2019;

The primary role of the Policy Committee shall be to support the University’s overall purpose, principles, and goals. In the interest of shared governance, the functions of the committee shall include, but not be limited to initiating, formulating, recommending, and reviewing all polices of the University that impact the faculty. The charge to this committee is as follows:

  • Review, as necessary, policies of the Board of Trustees’ HandbookFaculty Handbook,ConstitutionUniversity Business Policies and Procedures, and the Student Handbook;
  • Consult and collaborate with administrators with respect to policies in documents other than in the Faculty Handbook;
  • Communication of policies across the campuses after Faculty Senate approval, full faculty approval, or as per policy history; and
  • Review policies developed by other standing committees.

The Policy Committee membership will be comprised of  7voting faculty member (from at least 7 faculties including the Health Sciences Centre and none of whom are from the same department). At the committee’s request, an attorney from the University Counsel’s office with primary responsibilities for policy issues shall attend committee meetings and provide legal advice to the Policy Committee. The terms of office shall be for three years, set up on a staggered basis so that the terms of at least three members will expire each year. Members can be appointed for a second three-year term. The chair is elected by the Committee and normally will serve a renewable two-year term. The Committee annually selects a Vice-Chair to serve in place of the chair in his/her absence. In addition to the Committee members, subcommittee membership will be augmented with other faculty, administrators, staff, and students as required for specific subcommittee tasks.

A61.23: Health Sciences Centre Council


The purpose of the Health Science Centre Council (HSC) is to serve as an advisory board to the Faculty Senate, to enhance the role and visibility of the Health Sciences Centre faculty in shared governance, and to represent the MTU Faculty Senate in all matters relating to faculty governance and shared governance of the HSC, consistent with the MTU Faculty ConstitutionFaculty HandbookFaculty Senate Bylaws, and with the policies of the Board of Trustees and the University. In matters pertaining to faculty governance and shared governance of the university as a whole, the HSC Council shall represent the faculty of the MTU HSC to the Faculty Senate.

The HSC Council shall have the right or duty to consider and advise the Faculty Senate on behalf of HSC faculty on:

  1. a) Institutional aims and strategic plans of the HSC;
    b) Organizational structure and creation of new departments and divisions;
    c) Major curricular changes and other matters that, in the opinion of the Chancellor for Health Sciences or of the Faculty, affect the HSC as a whole;
    d) Matters of general concern or welfare for HSC faculty.

The foregoing purposes do not supplant the rights and responsibilities of faculty within their respective academic units, nor replace the authority of the Faculty Senate. Rather, the HSC Council shall serve as a forum and voice for the HSC faculty as a whole in representing the interests of HSC Faculty to the Board of Directors and Office of the Chancellor for Health Sciences as well as to the MTU Faculty Senate.

Membership shall consist of all duly elected senators of the Faculty Senate representing the HSC campus. Membership may be increased by a quorum vote of the Council to include non-senators.

A chair shall be elected every two years. Midway through the term of the chair, a chair-elect shall be elected to serve for one year as chair-elect, prior to taking office as chair. The retiring chair shall serve as past chair for at least the first year of the term of newly elected chair.



Article I. Name

The name of this organization is the Mesarya Technical University (MTU) Faculty Senate Health Sciences Centre (HSC) Council. Throughout these bylaws, this name is abbreviated as HSC Council.

Article II. Purpose

Section 1. The purpose of the HSC Council is to enhance the role and visibility of the Health Sciences Centre faculty in shared governance, and to deliberate and act on behalf of the MTU Faculty Senate in all matters relating to faculty governance and shared governance of the HSC, consistent with the MTU Faculty Constitution, Faculty Handbook, Faculty Senate Bylaws, and with the policies of the Board of Trustees and the University. In matters pertaining to faculty governance and shared governance of the university as a whole, the HSC Council shall represent the faculty of the MTU HSC.

Section 2. The HSC Council shall have the right and duty to consider and advice on behalf of HSC faculty over

  1. a) Institutional aims and strategic plans of the HSC;
  2. b) Organizational structure and creation of new departments and divisions;
  3. c) Major curricular changes and other matters that, in the opinion of the Chancellor for Health Sciences or of the Faculty, affect the HSC as a whole;
  4. d) Matters of general concern or welfare for HSC faculty.

Section 3. The foregoing purposes do not supplant the rights and responsibilities of faculty within their respective academic units. Rather, the HSC Council shall serve as a forum and voice for the HSC faculty as a whole in representing the interests of HSC Faculty to the Board of Directors and Office of the Chancellor for Health Sciences as well as to the MTU Faculty Senate.

Article III. Membership

Section 1. Voting members of the HSC Council shall be:

  1. a) All duly elected faculty senators representing the academic units of the HSC
  2. b) Two at-large members elected by the faculty of each of the academic units of the HSC (Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of Nursing, Faculty of Pharmacy) who need not be members of the MTU Faculty Senate.

Section 2. Non-voting ex officio members of the HSC Council shall be:

  1. a) The Chancellor for the Health Sciences Centre
  2. b) The Vice-Chancellor for Academic Affairs
  3. c) The Provost or Associate Provost of MTU
  4. d) The Rector of the MTU Faculty Senate

Article IV. Officers

Section 1. Officers of the Council/Executive Committee

  1. a) The Senate shall elect the following officers and representatives to a two-year term:

1) Chair

2) Chair-elect

  1. b) The Executive Committee will include the immediate past Chair and current Chair of the HSC Council, whether or not they are members of the Senate and the current elected Chair-elect who must have at least one year remaining on his/her Senate term.

Section 2. Duties of Officers

  1. a) Chair

1) Serve as chairperson of the HSC Council

2) Establish priorities and set agenda for the HSC Council meetings

3) Represent the Faculty before the Board of Trustees, Administration and other groups by attending requisite functions and committee meetings

4) Report back to the HSC Council any relevant information gained from these meetings relating to or affecting HSC faculty

5) Appoint Council members to ad hoc committees as necessary to conduct Council business.

6) Serve as Chair of the Executive Committee

  1. b) Chair-elect

1) Serve on the Executive Committee

2) Perform the duties of the Chair in the absence of the Chair

3) Assist the Chair in representing the faculty before the Administration, the Board of Trustees, and other groups as required

4) Oversee HSC Council committee appointments

  1. c) Immediate Past-Chair

1) Serve on the Executive Committee

Section 3. Duties of the Executive Committee

  1. a) Call special meetings of the HSC Council as needed
  2. b) Meet with the Chancellor of the HSC when issues of urgency occur
  3. c) Assist the Chair in establishing priorities and in setting the agenda for meetings

Section 4. Election of Officers

  1. a) The election of the Chair-elect shall be conducted at the June meeting of the HSC Council. At the discretion of the Executive Committee, the election may be conducted electronically.
  2. b) The election shall be chaired by the past-Chair of the HSC Council.
  3. c) The officers shall take office on September 1 of the year of the election.
  4. d) If the Chair-elect does not complete his or her term of office, the Executive Committee will arrange for the HSC Council to elect a replacement at the earliest opportunity.

Article V. Meetings

Section 1. The HSC Council shall be held monthly. The Executive Committee may call additional meetings as needed.

Section 2. A quorum shall consist of 25% of the voting membership.

Article VI. Committees

Section 1. HSC Council Committees will not replace any existing MTU Faculty Senate Committee per se.

Section 2. Standing Committees of the HSC Council

  1. a) HSC Policy Committee

1) The charge of this committee is to review HSC policies and/or other policies that directly affect HSC faculty.

  1. b) HSC Curriculum Committee

1) The charge of this committee is to review and recommend to the HSC Council on curricular requests prior to final approval by the MTU Faculty Senate.

Section 3. Ad Hoc Committees of the HSC Council

  1. a) Nominating Committee

1) The charge of this committee will be to serve only at the yearly elections.

  1. b) The HSC Council shall appoint other ad hoc committees as needed.

Article VII. Parliamentary Authority Section

    1. The parliamentary authority of the HSC Council is the current edition of Sturgis’ Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedures.

Article VIII. Amendments to By-laws

Section 1. Changes to the by-laws require notice to the membership at the previous meeting. Section 2. Amendments require two thirds (2/3) vote of the full membership, which may be conducted electronically.

Article IX. Implementation these procedures will be deleted from the by-laws after the first year.

  1. In the first year after the approval of these by-laws, a Chair of the HSC Council will be elected for a two-year term.
  2. In the first year after the approval of these by-laws, the HSC academic units will elect two at-large members, one of whom will be elected for a one-year term. Thereafter each unit will elect one new at-large member annually.

The membership lists for each of these committees can be accessed at: facgov.MTU.edu.tr

A70.4: Student Union Board


The function of the Student Union Board is to formulate policies for the operation of the Union, as per the Union Board’s Constitution and Bylaws, including:

  • Review and approve the schedule of charges prepared by the Director of the Union for use of the SUB’s facilities.
  • Establish policy with the Director of the Union for use of the SUB’s facilities by students, faculty, alumni, and employees of MTU and the members of the community of MORA CAMPUS and NICOSIA CITY CAMPUS.
  • Participate on a search committee when the position of Director of the SUB is to be filled. (Secondarily, the Board shall serve to represent the interests of its constituent groups.)
  • Review the annual budget of the SUB.
  • Remain continuously informed of the services and financial operations of the SUB, and maintain records of this information for its constituent groups and future board members.
  • Serve to promote student involvement in the activities and operations of the SUB in recognition of the unique position of students as primary users of the SUB’s facilities and programs.

(4 faculty members appointed by the Faculty Senate in the spring to serve two-year overlapping terms, one to be appointed each year; the Rector of the University or his/her designee; the Dean of Students or his or her designee; 2undergraduate students and  1 graduate student at-large student members; the Rector of the Associated Students of the Mesarya Technical University or designee; the Rector of the Graduate and Professional Student Association or designee; 1 student senator appointed by the ASMTU Student Senate in the spring to serve to the following academic year by incoming student vice Rector; an alumnus or alumna appointed in the spring by the Alumni Association Rector; and the Director of the Student Union, ex-officio member.)

A70: Faculty member-Student Standing Committees


Faculty member-student committees require or request both the faculty and student population be represented to carry out the function designated to each of these committees. They may not be changed in function or composition without the concurrence of the Faculty Senate and the associated student governing body, though either group may unilaterally withdraw from any of these committees.

  • Faculty membership on these committees is set annually by the Faculty Senate based on faculty preferences.
  • Student membership on this committee is set annually by the Associated Students of the Mesarya Technical University Rector(ASMTU) based on volunteer applications.
  • Students associated with the Graduate and Professional Student Association(GPSA) are also involved in University and Faculty Senate Committees.

Further information on student involvement in MTU standing committees can be obtained from the ASMTU and GPSA Web sites .