Crop Science And Technology Direction

First Year
1st Semester 2nd Semester
Course Code Course Title Credit Course Code Course Title Credit
ABF 100 General and Inorganic Chemistry 6 ABF 104 Biochemistry 6
ABF 101 Organic Chemistry 6 ABF 105 Microbiology 6
MAS 110 Mathematics 4 ABF 106 Statistics/ Biometry 4
PHYS 101 Physics 5 ABF 107 Plant Systematic 5
ABF 110 Plant Morphology & Anatomy 5 ABF 150 Introduction to Food Science & Technology 5
ENG 122 English for Academic Purposes 4 ENG 180 English for Agricultural Studies 4
Total 30 Total 30
Second Year
3rd Semester 4th Semester
Course Code Course Title Credit Course Code Course Title Credit
ABF 210 Genetics 5 ABF 213 Soils & Fertilizers 5
ABF 211 Plant Physiology 6 ABF 214 Arboriculture 6
ABF 212 Principles of Crop Production 5 ABF 215 Agricultural Zoology & Nimatodologia 5
ABF 220 Introduction to Geotechnical 3 ABF 216 Molecular Biology and crafts 5
ABF 230 Animal Biology 6 ABF 218 Field crops / horticulture Plants 5
ABF 200 Ecology & Conservation of Biodiversity 5 ABF 219 Agricultural Meteorology 4
Total 30 Total 30
Third Year
5th Semester 6th Semester
Course Code Course Title Credit Course Code Course Title Credit
ABF 310 Plant Pathology 6 ABF 312 Agricultural Hydraulics 5
ABF 311 Vegetable Science 5 ABF 315 Viticulture 4
ABF 313 Plant propagation and nursery production 4 ABF 318 Diseases of Crop Plants 6
ABF 314 Plant Breeding and Genetics 5 ABF 319 Greenhouse Technology 5
ABF 317 Entomology & Acarology 6 ABF 320 Integrated Insect and Mite 5
ABF 330 Animal Nutrition and Feeding 5 ABF 336 Animal Breeding 4
Total 31 Total 29
Fourth Year
7th Semester 8th Semester
Course Code Course Title Credit Course Code Course Title Credit
ABF 411 Weed Science 5 ABF 414 Agricultural Machinery and Animal Husbandry Equipment 5
ABF 412 Pesticide Science 6 ABF 415 Post Harvest Physiology & Technology 4
ABF 413 Sustainable 4 ABF 470 Principles of Economics 4
ABF 416 Floriculture and landscape Architecture 5 ABF 471 Agricultural Economics and policy 6
Restricted Elective * 5 ABF 490 Thesis 10
Free Elective ** 6
Total 31 Total 29

*Restricted Electives for the Science and Technology of Crop Production Specialization

** Open electives can be selected from courses offered for the other two Specializations of  the Department, from other Departments/Faculties of the University, as well as Language