Course Code : BES 410 

Course Name: Food Intolerance and Allergy

Weekly Class and Application Hours: 2-0

Course Description: To describe all kinds of abnormal reactions and immunological mechanisms that develop depending on nutrients. Also, discuss the reliability and effectiveness of food intolerance tests .:

Textbook and Supplementary Books:

  1. The food Intolerance Handbook, Sharla Race.
  2. Food Allergy Puzzles, Dr. Rodney Ford, FRACP.
  3. Nutrition and Test Diets in case of Allergy, Food Intolerance I, Gamze Akbulut, Ankara Nobel Medical Bookstore.

Course Evaluation:

Participation / Attendance : 10%,

Mid-Term Exam : 30%,

Homework : 10%,

Final Exam : 50%,

Attendance is at least 95 % mandatory.