Course Code : ARCH 432


Weekly Class and Application Hours: 2-2

Short Course Description: The intellectual and technical information about historical building preservation studies, which are discussed and evaluated within the conservation theories and which are carried on with the contemporary conservation theory understanding, are transferred to the students and they belong to the buildings by using inventory studies, surveys and analysis studies of historical structures that can be obtained in the recent period. It is aimed to prepare restitution and restoration projects.

Textbook and Supplementary Books:

1- Architectural Restoration Conservation Techniques and Methods, Author: LoryZakar, Publisher: LoryZakar

2- Architectural Restoration Conservation Techniques and Methods, Kemal Kutgün Eyüpgiller,

3- Architectural Tiles: Conservation and Restoration, Lesley Durbin

Course Evaluation:

Participation / Attendance : 10%,

Mid-Term Exam : 30%,

Homework : 10%,

Final Exam : 50%,

Attendance is at least 95 % mandatory.