Course Code : ABSO 418


 Weekly Course and application hours of the course: 3-0

Brief Course Description:

Managers’ responsibilities and the natural environment: Models and principles in environmental management theory.

Techniques and methodologies of environmental impact assessment

Uncertainty and the assessment of risks and hazards to the environment

Integrated resource management

Environmental Strategic Management, Environmental Operations Management,

Environmental Planning, Green Politics and Economics.

Environmental management in the private sector

Socio-economic, political and managerial responsibilities

Case study of environmental pollution: private and public responses

The principles applied to successful environmental management

Part 1: Theory and Approaches of Environmental Management

Part 2: Resource Management and Environmental Management Issues

1. Water, Coastal and Island Resources

2. Agriculture, Land Degradation and Food Security

3. Biodiversity Resources

4. Atmospheric Issues

5. Urban Environments and Industrial Pollution Issues

6. Environmental Threats

Part 3: Environmental Management Tools and Policies

Environmental Management Methods, Tools and Techniques

Environmental Accounting, Greening Economics and Business

Environmental Management and Development.

Textbooks and supplementary books:

  1. Environmental Management and Development, 2nd edition, Barrow, C (2006) Routledge
  2. Business Management and Environmental Stewardship: Environmental Thinking as a Prelude to Management Action, Staib, R (2009) , Palgrave Macmillan
  3. Practical Guide to Environmental Management, 10th edition, Friedman, F (2006) Environmental Law Institute
  4. Environmental Management: Readings and Cases, 2nd edition, Russo, M (2008) Sage

Course Evaluation:

Participation / Attendance : 10%,

Mid-Term Exam : 30%,

Homework : 10%,

Final Exam : 50%,

Attendance is at least 95 % mandatory.