Course Code : ABF 450
Course Title : Plant-origin Food Science and Technology
Weekly lecture and application hours of the course: 4-2
Course Description:The course focuses on the following topics of cereal olive and vegetable/fruit products:
(1) Cereals: species and varieties of cereal. Composition and properties of the granules. gelatinization starch. Measurement of viscosity propertiesof starch suspensions. Production and packaging of bread and pastries. Yeasts and enzymes in bakery.
(2) Olive: traditional and modern ways of olive oil production. Centrifugation: Two and three phases. Table olives. Plant origin oils. Phenoliccompounds. Use of olive mill wastes and plant residues.
(3) Fruit and Vegetables: properties and nutritional value OF fruit and vegetables. Treatment with scalding, making of sweets and jam.Specifications of fresh produce during packaging. Maintenance in a modified/controlled atmosphere. Fresh cut salads and edible coatingmembrane. New technologies.
Textbooks and supplementary books:
Kent’s Technology of Cereals, 4th Edition by N Kent
Fruit and Cereal Bio actives: Sources, Chemistry, and Applications by Özlem Tokuşoğlu, Clifford A Hall III ISBN 1439806675, 9781439806678
Olives and Olive Oil in Health and Disease Prevention by Victor R. Preedy, Ronald Ross Watson ISBN 0080922201, 9780080922201
Specialty Foods: Processing Technology, Quality, and Safety by Yanyun Zhao ISBN 1439854246, 9781439854242
Course Evaluation:
Class Participation 10%,
Mid-term Examination 30%,
Assignments 10%,
Final Examination 50%,
Attendance 95%compulsory