Maintenance of the Board of Trustees’ Policy Manual

Adopted Date: October, 2017

Applicability: This policy applies to all policies adopted by the Board of Trustees.

Policy Any Board of Trustees’ policy, including the policies contained in these Board of Trustees’ Policy Manual may be modified by a majority vote of the Board of Trustees at any of its meetings. It is the intention of the Board of Trustees that proposed new policies and proposed revisions to existing policies will receive adequate publicity and discussion prior to their adoption.

Periodically, the Board shall review all policies in the Board of Trustees’ Policy Manual, and all policies adopted or revised since the previous review, and make any changes it deems appropriate.

Implementation Members of the University community may propose new or revised Board of Trustees’ policies by submitting them, in the format used in this Manual, to the President of the University. The President will submit proposed policies, together with any appropriate background information and administrative recommendations, to the Board for consideration. Proposed policies must be approved by the Board of Trustees before they may be put into effect. All new or revised policies adopted by the Board of Trustees shall be promptly published as additional or replacement pages of this Board of Trustees’ Policy Manual.